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Vojin Milić’s Contribution to the Horizontal Educational Inequalities Research in the Higher Education

dc.contributorManić, Željka
dc.contributorMirkov, Anđelka
dc.creatorGundogan, Dragana
dc.description.abstractZnačaj rada Vojina Milića za razvoj sociologije obrazovanja, istraživanja društvene pokretljivosti i pristupa obrazovanju različitim društvenim grupama jasno je pokazan i istražen. Stoga ćemo u ovom radu obratiti pažnju na značaj horizontalnih obrazovnih nejednakosti u sistemu visokog obrazovanja, koje je Vojin Milić analizirao još od sredine 20. veka. Horizontalne obrazovne nejednakosti dobijaju sve veći značaj u istraživanju savremenih obrazovnih sistema, koji se sve više diferenciraju. Takođe, istraživanja u obrazovanju daju sve više prostora izučavanju različitih područja studiranja kako raste broj studenata. Cilj rada je da prikažemo doprinos radova Vojina Milića izučavanju horizontalnih obrazovnih nejednakosti u okviru visokog obrazovanja. S tim ciljem, rad će sadržati tri aspekta. Prvo, predstaviće se doprinos Vojina Milića razvoju sociologije obrazovanja. Drugo, iznećemo rezultate koji ukazuju na postojanje i značaj vertikalne i horizontalne ose visokog obrazovanja u delima Vojina Milića, kao i njegova zapažanja u vezi s ovom temom. Treće, predstavićemo radove drugih autora u okviru sociologije obrazovanja, koji navode rezultate i zaključke iz ove oblasti tokom perioda socijalizma i postsocijalističke transformacije. U istraživanjima Vojina Milića posebna pažnja je posvećena postojanju razlika u pristupu različitim područjima studiranja i studentima različitog društvenog porekla, što ima posledice na otvorenost sistema visokog obrazovanja i mogućnost pojedinaca za društvenu pokretljivost. Vojin Milić je zaključio na osnovu podataka iz pedesetih godina 20. veka da socijalno poreklo studenata utiče na izbor područja fakulteta. Naime, područja koja studente pripremaju za zanimanja koja donose više prihoda, ugleda i/ili moći su manje dostupna studentima nižeg društvenog porekla. Uočio je da pripadnici manuelnih slojeva kada se odluče da studiraju, češće biraju struke koje su bliže materijalnoj proizvodnji (poljoprivreda, ekonomija i tehničke nauke). Ova tendencija je uočena i u istraživanjima u kasnijem periodu, te se može zaključiti da se uticaj društvenog porekla povećava kako dolazi do zatvaranja društvene strukture.sr
dc.description.abstractIt is clearly shown and explored the importance of the Vojin Milić’s work for the development of sociology of education, social mobility research and the exploration of the access to education for the different social groups. Therefore, in this paper we will take into consideration the importance of horizontal educational inequalities in the system of higher education, which Vojin Milić analyzed since the middle of the 20th century. Horizontal educational inequalities have increasing importance in the research of contemporary educational systems, which are progressively diferentiated. Furthermore, educational research give more prominent place to the exploration of different study fields as the number of students rising. The aim of the paper is to show the contribution of Vojin Milić’s work for the horizontal educational inequalities research. For that purpose, the paper is consisted of three aspects. Firstly, the contribution of Vojin Milić for the establishment of sociology of educion will be presented. Secondly, we will show results which indicate the existence and the importance of vertical and horizontal axis in the higher education in the work of Vojin Milić, as well as his observations on this topic. Thirdly, it will be shown the work of other authors in the field which state results and conclusions in this field during the period of socialism and postsocialist transformation. In the Vojin Milić’s research special attention is dedicated to the existence of the different access to the study fileds for students who have various social origin. This has a consequence on the access of higher educational system and possibility for individual socialal mobility. Based on the data from 1950s, Vojin Milić concluded that social origin influence which study fileds students choose. Specifically, study fields which prepare students for occupations which bring more income, prestige and/or power are less accessible to students with lower social origin. He observed that when members of manual social layers decide to start university, more often choose professions closer to material production (agriculture, economics and technical sciences). Similarly, this tendency is noticed in the later explorations, thus it can be claimed that the effect of social origin is increasing as the social structure closure is following.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.sourceSociološko nasleđe Vojina Milića – 100 godina od rođenjasr
dc.subjecthorizontalne obrazovne nejednakostisr
dc.subjectvisoko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectsociologija obrazovanjasr
dc.subjectsocijalno poreklosr
dc.subjecthorizontal educational inequalitiessr
dc.subjecthigher educationsr
dc.subjectsociology of educationsr
dc.subjectsocial originsr
dc.titleDoprinos Vojina Milića izučavanju horizontalnih obrazovnih nejednakosti u okviru visokog obrazovanjasr
dc.titleVojin Milić’s Contribution to the Horizontal Educational Inequalities Research in the Higher Educationsr
dc.description.otherZbornik radova sa naučnog skupa nacionalnog značaja Sociološko nasleđe Vojina Milića – 100 godina od rođenja, koji je održan 17. septembra 2022. god. na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradusr



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