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Uvažavanje jezičkih osobenosti učenika u obrazovanju

dc.creatorMilošević, Nikoleta
dc.description.abstractWhen it comes to school attainment, language lacks sufficient professional attention, although verbal communication, being the means of transmitting a message from the teacher to the student and vice versa, inevitably lies at the roots of academic failure. Starting with a premise that the student's level of talkativeness, as well as the teacher's estimation of that level influences the student's attainments in the teaching process, we tried to examine: a) linguistic behavior features of reticent, average, and talkative students during a retelling exercise; b) consistency / inconsistency of the teacher's initial convictions of the students' talkativeness levels; c) the relation between the teacher's expectations and the students' academic attainments. The sample (N=52) was deliberate and divided into three groups of respondents: very talkative, averagely talkative, and distinctly reticent. The division of students into groups was made by the teacher according to her own criteria. The research was conducted during the 2000/01 and 2001/02 school-years. We wish to point out the need for the advancement of the teaching process, which can be achieved through individualization of the educational process. It is essential that teachers focus their attention on the importance of full respect for differences in the educational process for the benefit of their students.en
dc.description.abstractKada je reč o školskom uspehu, pažnja stručnjaka nedovoljno je usmerena ka jeziku, iako u osnovi školskog uspeha neophodno leži govorna komunikacija kao sredstvo prenosa poruke od nastavnika ka učeniku i od učenika ka nastavniku. Polazeći od pretpostavke da stepen govorljivosti učenika, kao i nastavnikova procena stepena govorljivosti učenika uslovljava uspeh u nastavnom procesu, nastojali smo da ispitamo: (a)jezičke osobenosti ćutljivih, prosečno govorljivih i izrazito govorljivih učenika prilikom prepričavanja, (b) konzistentnost/ne-konzistentnost nastavnikovih početnih uverenja o stepenu govorljivosti učenika, (v) povezanost nastavnikovih očekivanja i školskog uspeha učenika. Uzorak (N=52) je nameran, podeljen na tri grupe ispitanika: izrazito govorljivi, prosečno govorljivi i izrazito ćutljivi. Podelu na grupe izvršio je nastavnik, prema svojim kriterijumima. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno u toku školske 2000/2001. i 2001/2002. godine. Ukazujemo na potrebu unapređivanja vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa kroz individualizaciju tog procesa. Neophodno je usmeriti pažnju nastavnika na značaj uvažavanja različitosti u vaspitno-obrazovnom procesu, za dobrobit uč
dc.publisherBeograd : Pedagoško društvo Srbije
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju
dc.relationProjekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 1429: Vaspitanje i obrazovanje za izazove demokratskog društva
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectspeech developmenten
dc.subjecttalkativeness levelen
dc.subjectteacher's expectationsen
dc.subjectindividualization of teachingen
dc.subjectjezički razvojsr
dc.subjectstepen govorljivostisr
dc.subjectprepričavanje, nastavnikova očekivanjasr
dc.subjectškolski uspehsr
dc.subjectindividualizacija nastavesr
dc.titleRespecting students' linguistic traits in educationen
dc.titleUvažavanje jezičkih osobenosti učenika u obrazovanjusr
dc.citation.other52(2-3): 206-221

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