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Parental attachment and externalising problems at high school students

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorKovačević Lepojević, Marina
dc.creatorStojković, Ana
dc.description.abstractAfektivno vezivanje za roditelje jedan je od porodičnih faktora koji se najčešće povezuje sa eksternalizovanim problemima u ponašanju. Iako se afektivne veze uspostavljaju na ranom uzrastu, u adolescenciji dolazi do specifičnih promena u njihovom kvalitetu, što je posebno izraženo u kontekstu ispoljavanja eksternalizovanih problema. Cilj istraživanja predstavlja utvrđivanje povezanosti dimenzija afektivnog vezivanja za majku i oca (Poverenje, Komunikacija, Otuđenost) sa sindromima eksternalizovanih problema (Agresivno ponašanje i Ponašanja kojima se krše pravila). Uzorak je činilo 507 učenika beogradskih srednjih škola uzrasta od 15 do 19 godina oba pola (AS= 16,69, SD= 1,119). Podaci o eksternalizovanim problemima prikupljani su putem Ahenbahovog sistema empirijski zasnovane procene (ASEBA), verzija za mlade (YSR/11–18), a о afektivnom vezivanju za roditelje putem Inventara afektivnog vezivanja za roditelje i vršnjake (IPPA). Dimenzije afektivnog vezivanja za majku i oca objašnjavaju ukupno 24,9% varijanse Ponašanja kojima se krše pravila (F(6,500)=27,67, p<0,001) i 17% varijanse Agresivnog ponašanja (F(6,500)=17,10, p<0,001). Jedini značajan prediktor Agresivnog ponašanja je Otuđenost od majke (β= 0,204), dok Poverenje u oca (β= -0,321), Otuđenost od majke (β =0,161) i Poverenje u majku (β= -0,149) predviđaju Ponašanja kojima se krše pravila. U skladu sa pretpostavljenim, afektivne veze sa oba roditelja važne su za psihosocijalno funkcionisanje srednjoškolaca, uz uočene razlike u ulogama majki i očeva u vezi sa ispoljavanjem eksternalizovanih problema. Date su preporuke za unapređivanje odnosa roditelj–dete uz prikaz najdelotvornijih programa za prevenciju eksternalizovanih
dc.description.abstractParental attachment is one of the family factors most frequently associated with externalising problems. Although attachment is established at an early age, there are specific changes in quality of parental attachment in adolescence, especially in the context of externalising problems. The aim of the study is to determine the nature of relationship between the dimensions of attachment to mother and father (Trust, Communication, Alienation) and externalising problems syndromes (Aggressive Behaviour and Rule-breaking Behaviour). Sample of 507 Belgrade high school students of both genders aged from fifteen to eighteen (AS = 16.69, SD = 1.119) were administered selfreport measures. For the assessment of externalising problems, a part of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment – ASEBA, Youth Self-Report – (YSR/11-18) was used. The Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment, (IPPA) was used to collect data about parental attachment. The dimensions of attachment to mother and father explain for a total of 24.9% of the variance in Rulebreaking behaviour and 17% of the variance in Aggressive Behaviour. The only significant predictor of Aggressive Behaviour is Maternal Alienation (β = .204), whereas Trust in the Father (β = .- 321), Maternal Alienation (β = .161), and Trust in the Mother (β = .-149) predict Rule-breaking Behaviour. As assumed, attachment to both parents is important for the psycho-social wellbeing of Belgrade high school students, with spotted differences in the mothers’ and fathers’ roles with regard to externalising problems. Recommendations for enhancing parental attachment and the most effective programs for prevention of externalising problems are
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.subjectafektivno vezivanjesr
dc.subjecteksternalizovani problemisr
dc.subjectAgresivno ponašanjesr
dc.subjectPonašanja kojima se krše pravilasr
dc.subjectattachment to parentssr
dc.subjectexternalising problemssr
dc.subjectaggressive behavioursr
dc.subjectrule-breaking behavioursr
dc.titleAfektivno vezivanje i eksternalizovani problemi kod učenika srednjih školasr
dc.titleParental attachment and externalising problems at high school studentssr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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