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Integrative access to teaching contents in the first education cycle

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorStarijaš, Gorana
dc.creatorMilanović, Marija
dc.description.abstractTematskim planiranjem u nastavi i integracijom sadržaja različitih nastavnih predmeta doprinosi se celokupnom intelektualnom i moralnom razvoju učenika, formiranju celovitog pogleda na svet i razvijanju funkcionalnih znanja učenika. Cilј ovog istraživanja bio je da se ukaže na mogućnosti primene integrativne nastave u prvom ciklusu osnovnog obrazovanja, da se ispita koliko su i u kojoj meri učitelјi upoznati sa integrativnom nastavom i mogućnostima njene primene, koliko je primenjuju, postoji li potreba za dodatnim usavršavanjem i inoviranjem u ovoj oblasti. U istraživanju smo koristili deskriptivnu metodu. Korišćena je tehnika anketiranja, a osnovni istraživački instrument je upitnik za učitelјe. U radu je istaknuta uloga učitelјa u tematskom planiranju, posebno uzevši u obzir činjenicu da učitelјi sami organizuju gotovo kompletnu nastavu u svom odelјenju. Istraživanjem su prikazana mišlјenja 76 učitelјa o mogućnostima primene integrativne nastave u prvom ciklusu osnovnog obrazovanja. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da učitelјi nisu u dovolјnoj meri upoznati sa teorijskim postavkama integrativne nastave i mogućnostima njene primene, te da je potrebno razvijati integrativni pristup u nastavi i podsticati osmišlјavanje različitih načina za realizaciju tematskog planiranja. Integrativnim pristupom nastavnim sadržajima u prvom ciklusu osnovnog obrazovanja učitelјi racionalno koriste vreme, ali je potrebno, pored bolјeg teorijskog i praktičnog osposoblјavanja učitelјa, napraviti promene i u procesu tematskog planiranja čime bi nastavni proces dobio drugačiji smisao u odnosu na tradicionalni način
dc.description.abstractThematic planning in teaching and integration of contents from different subjects contributes to the overall intellectual and moral development of students, forming a comprehensive view of the world and development of students’ functional knowledge. The aim of the research was to point to the possibilities of applying integrative teaching in the first cycle of primary education; examine how and to what extent teachers are familiar with integrative teaching and its application; the level of its implementation; and whether there is a need for further improvement and innovation in this area. We used a descriptive method in our research. The survey technique was used and the basic research instrument was the teacher questionnaire. The paper underlines the role of teachers in thematic planning, especially regarding the fact that teachers organize almost complete lessons by themselves in their class. The research showed the opinions of 76 teachers about the opportunities of integrative teaching in the first cycle of primary education. The results of the research indicate that teachers are not sufficiently familiar with the theoretical settings of integrative teaching and possibilities of its implementation. Thus, it is necessary to develop an integrative approach to teaching and encourage creating of different ways to implement thematic planning. With integrative approach to teaching content in the first cycle of primary education, the teachers use time effectively. Nonetheless, in addition to better theoretical and practical training for teachers, changes need to be made within the thematic planning process. This would give a different meaning to the teaching process, vis-à-vis traditional way of
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.subjectintegrativna nastavasr
dc.subjecttematsko planiranjesr
dc.subjectmeđupredmetna integracijasr
dc.subjectnastava prirode i društvasr
dc.subjectintegrated teachingsr
dc.subjectthematic planningsr
dc.subjectcross-curricular integrationsr
dc.subjectteaching nature and societysr
dc.titleIntegrativni pristup nastavnim sadržajima u prvom ciklusu obrazovanјasr
dc.titleIntegrative access to teaching contents in the first education cyclesr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"

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