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Motivation of students to learn in class

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorKostić, Vesna
dc.creatorMucić, Jelena
dc.creatorVasić, Jovana
dc.description.abstractMotivisanost učenika za učenje tokom nastave izuzetno je važna za uspeh i kvalitet samog učenja. Primenom različitih postupaka i specifičnom organizacijom nastavnog procesa direktno se podstiče zainteresovanost učenika za učenje. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati dela šireg istraživanja čiji je cilj predstavljala procena učenika o tome koliko njihova motivisanost za učenje zavisi od načina rada nastavnika, odnosno karakteristika nastave. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 176 učenika od 5. do 8. razreda jedne osnovne škole u Beogradu (82 muškog pola i 94 ženskog pola). Primenjen je upitnik konstruisan za potrebe spomenutog šireg istraživanja. Analiza dobijenih podataka ukazuje na to da se učenici u najvećoj meri izjašnjavaju da na njihovu motivaciju podsticajno deluje kada nastavnik na času odgovara na njihova pitanja, pohvaljuje ih za uspešan rad, kada gradivo povezuje sa svakodnevicom, kada ih podstiče na vršnjačko podučavanje i kada se koristi IKT u nastavi. Učenici smatraju da su najmanje motivisani da uče na času kada im nastavnik iznosi činjenice bez uključivanja u diskusiju i bez postavljanja pitanja koja učenicima pomažu da sami dođu do odgovora. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da su učenici zainteresovani za učenje na času naročito ako su aktivni tokom časa i da su u većem stepenu motivisani kada sami imaju ulogu predavača i kada se primenjuju IKT. Iz toga sledi da veća participacija učenika (kroz različite vrste i nivoe aktivnosti) povećava i njihovu motivaciju za sticanjem znanja na času, što svakako predstavlja značajan podatak za usmeravanje i osmišljavanje rada nastavnika na času i realizovanje celokupnog nastavnog procesa.sr
dc.description.abstractStudents’ motivation to learn during classes is extremely important for the success and quality of learning. Application of different procedures and specific organization of the teaching process directly encourages students’ interest in learning. The paper presents results of a broader research whose goal was to determine the students’ assessment of the extent to which their motivation to learn depends on the way the teachers work and characteristics of teaching. The research included 176 students from 5th to 8th grade of a Belgrade elementary school, 82 males and 94 females. A questionnaire constructed for the needs of the mentioned wider research was applied. The analysis of the obtained data showed that students mostly state that their motivation is stimulated when the teacher answers their questions in class, praises them for successful work, when the teaching material relates to everyday life, encourages peer teaching and when ICT is used in teaching. Students feel that they are least motivated to learn in class when the teacher presents the facts to them without engaging them in discussion and without asking questions that help students come up with answers on their own. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that students are interested in learning in class, especially if they are active during class and are more motivated when they have the role of lecturers and ICTis applied. It follows that a greater student participation (through different types and levels of activities) increases their motivation to acquire knowledge in class, which is certainly an important information for directing and designing the work of teachers in class and the implementation of the entire teaching process.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectnastavni processr
dc.subjectteaching processsr
dc.titleMotivisanost učenika za učenje na časusr
dc.titleMotivation of students to learn in classsr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"sr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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