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Motivational orientations of students in Serbia

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorStanišić, Jelena
dc.creatorVujačić, Milja
dc.description.abstractJedna od poznatih definicija prema kojoj se motivacija posmatra kao proces koji pokreće na aktivnost usmerenu ka određenom cilju, čineći pritom osobu spremnom da se započetom aktivnošću posvećeno bavi određeno vreme, važno je polazište za razumevanje motivacionih procesa studenata tokom učenja na studijama. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja čiji je cilj bio da se dobije uvid u to da li motivacione orijentacije studenata za učenje studijskih programa na fakultetima varijaju u zavisnosti od pola, godine studija koju studenti pohađaju i uspeha tokom studiranja. Za ispitivanje motivacionih orijentacija studenata korišćeno je pet skala preuzetih iz MSLQ (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) upitnika koje mere dve komponente motivacije: vrednosnu (unutrašnja i spoljašnja motivacija, značaj onoga što se uči) i komponentu očekivanja (kontrola procesa učenja, predviđanje uspeha/samoefikasnosti). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 538 studenata (85,1 % studentkinja i 14,9% studenata) svih godina studija sa fakulteta umetnosti, fakulteta prirodnih i društvenih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Nišu i Kragujevcu. U obradi podataka korišćeni su deskriptivna statistika, t-test i f-test. Na nivou celokupnog uzorka primetno je da su studenti, kada je u pitanju njihova motivacija za učenje studijskih programa, više intrinzično nego ekstrinzično orijentisani. Nalazi dalje ukazuju na to da razlike između studenata i studentkinja postoje samo na skali samoefikasnost, pri čemu studenti sebe procenjuju efikasnijima u učenju od studentkinja. Studenti početnih godina studija motivaciono su više ekstrinzično orijentisani od starijih kolega, dok studenti master i doktorskih studija sebe doživljavaju efikasnijima od studenata prve i druge godine studija. U odnosu na svoje manje uspešne kolege studenti čija je prosečna ocena iznad osam imaju višu intrinzičnu motivaciju, smatraju da uspeh najviše zavisi od njih samih i truda koji ulože, a značaj onoga što uče na fakultetu, kao i sopstvenu efikasnost procenjuju na visokom nivou. Glavni zaključci istraživanja odnose se na toda motivacione orijentacije studenata najviše variraju u zavisnosti od uspeha na studijama, kao i da su studenti završnih godina studija više orijentisaniji ka procesu učenja i sebe procenjuju efikasnijima u odnosu na ostale studente.sr
dc.description.abstractOne of the well-known definitions viewing motivation as a process that stimulates activity directed towards a particular goal, therefore making a person ready to devotedly engage in the activity for a certain period of time, is a significant starting point for understanding motivational processes of students during their studies. This paper shows the research results whose goal was to gain insight into whether motivational orientations of students for learning the study programs at universities vary depending on gender, year of study and academic achievement. For questioning motivational orientations of students we used five scales taken from MSLQ (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) questionnaire measuring two motivational components: value component (internal and external motivation, significance of what is being learned) and expectancy component (control of study process, prediction of success / self-efficacy). The research involved 538 students (85,1 % female and 14,9% male) of all years of study, from faculties of arts, sciences and humanities of the universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac. Descriptive statistics, t-test and f-test were used in data processing. Looking at the entire sample, it is noticeable that students are more intrinsically than extrinsically oriented regarding their motivation for learning the study programs. The results also show that differences between male and female students exist only on the self-efficacy scale, where the male students perceive themselves as more effective in learning than female students. Junior students are more extrinsically motivated than their senior colleagues, while the students of Master and PhD studies perceive themselves as more efficient than the first-and second-year students. Compared to their less successful colleagues, the students with 8+ average mark have more intrinsic motivation, and believe that success primarily depends on themselves and their hard work, assessing the significance of what is being learned at university and their own efficacy as high-level. The main conclusions of the research are that motivational orientations of the students mainly vary depending on the success at studies, and that senior students are more oriented towards learning process and assess themselves as more efficient compared to other students.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectmotivacione orijentacijesr
dc.subjectusmerenost ka ciljusr
dc.subjectkontrola procesa učenjasr
dc.subjectmotivational orientationssr
dc.subjectgoal orientationsr
dc.subjectcontrol of learning processsr
dc.titleMotivacione orijentacije studenata u Srbijisr
dc.titleMotivational orientations of students in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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