Prikaz rezultata 61-80 od 212

      Paradigma pozitivnog razvoja: Mogućnost inoviranja praksi inkluzivnog obrazovanja [1]
      Pisano izražavanje: kompetencije učenika sa smetnjama u razvoju u razrednoj nastavi [1]
      Pluralistic cognitive style: tolerance of individuality or something else [1]
      Podsticanje otvorenosti za učenje i razvoj: Istraživački nalazi o komponentama u procesu učenja [1]
      Pravno regulisanje inkluzivnog obrazovanja u Srbiji i pojedinim zemljama u regionu [1]
      Preschool teachers’ perception of professional training contribution to the development of competences in the field of inclusive education [1]
      Primary school and preschool teacher motivation for horizontal learning: the challenge and perspective of the professional learning communities development [1]
      Principalship in Austria: balancing accountability and improvement [1]
      Procena razvojnih prednosti učenika koji imaju teškoće u emocionalnom i socijalnom razvoju [1]
      Psychology of learning in adulthood: cognitive processes and motivation for learning a foreign language [1]
      Rane obrazovne aktivnosti roditelja sa decom i školsko postignuće učenika iz matematike i prirodnih nauka [1]
      Recent views on the leadership in education [1]
      Recognition of a gifted child’s educational needs in school [1]
      Recognition of diversity through dramatic activities [1]
      Recognition of individual differences in active learning [1]
      Relation between cultural capital, school equipment and student achievement [1]
      Religious education as an integral part of school education [1]
      Respect for the other: a condition for establishing social interaction and developing children’s friendships [1]
      Roles of university teachers in the development of students’ functional knowledge and their professional education [1]
      School and children from socially deprived environments [1]