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Pedagoški pristupi nastavnika u radu sa neuspešnim učenicima

dc.contributor.advisorKocić, Ljubomir
dc.contributor.otherAntonijević, Radovan
dc.contributor.otherMitrović, Milica
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Vera
dc.creatorMalinić, Dušica
dc.description.abstractStarting from the concept that teacher’s pedagogical knowledge and skills significantly affect the quality of teaching process and student’s educational outcomes, in the theoretical part of this thesis we sought to determine the meaning of the teacher’s “pedagogical approach” construct and to study its structural components. We considered various theoretical and empirical subject matters that were related to the teacher’s pedagogical beliefs, personality traits, professional competence, teaching activities implementing didactic and methodological aspects, as well as paths to create an enabling environment to obtain student’s successful school performance. We pointed out some pedagogical solutions that have been proven effective in the struggle against student’s failure and his alienation from school. We noted that every pedagogical solution recognized a teacher as the key agent of change with a high degree of a personal responsibility for the student’s academic achievement. Taking into account the above-mentioned deliberations, we conducted a research in order to identify the characteristics of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices they apply in working with underachievers. The study involved teachers (N = 200) and students (N = 241) of primary schools from the wider area of Belgrade. We investigated teachers of Serbian language, foreign language, history, mathematics, physics and chemistry. The research covered students of the sixth and seventh grade who had Fs (insufficient grades) and Ds (sufficient grades) in the above-mentioned subjects (the group of underachievers), as well as those who did not have Fs or Ds in the same subjects (the group for comparison). For the purposes of this study, special questionnaires were created to interrogate teachers and students in order to determine the meanings they attributed to different aspects of achievement, as well as those they attributed to the characteristics of unsuccessful students. We tried to establish teachers' attitudes towards underachievers vii and to identify activities and behavior teachers expressed in working with them. We were interested in whether there was a relationship between teachers' attitudes and their activities, or whether it is possible to predict the teachers' behavior towards underachievers based on the attitudes they had towards failure. Additionally, our intention was to define similarities and differences between teachers and students regarding the perception of frequency of certain teachers' activities and behavior manifested in working with underachievers. The results showed that teachers assigned various meanings to school failure as a concept, and that those meanings were determined by the cause (the characteristic) which was estimated largely to contribute to the occurrence of this phenomenon. It was found that the structure of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs about school failure consisted of the beliefs about: a) underachievers; b) pedagogical competence in dealing with underachievers; c) personal responsibility for the failure of students; and d) the ways to help underachievers. As for the self-perception of activities and behavior towards unsuccessful students, teachers concurred on the subject of the continuity of personal motivation in working with these students, as well as regarding the frequent application of desirable (incentive) approaches but rare application of undesirable ones. However, the comparison of teachers and students’ responses showed that there were differences in the perception of the frequency of these activities. In contrast to teachers, students indicated that all of desirable approaches were rarely present in the classroom. The differences were more explicit when one took into consideration the presence of low grades and students’ self-perception of achievement. Lower self-perception of school achievement, attendance and the number of low grades positively correlated with students’ opinion that teachers more often applied undesirable (inappropriate) approaches and rarely the appropriate ones. Furthermore, it was found that there were differences in the correlation between desirable and undesirable approaches and various types of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs. Moreover, the findings showed that it was also possible to predict all of the teachers’ approaches based on attitudes (beliefs) they had towards school failure as a concept, except for approaches that referred to instigating different forms of cooperation with their colleagues and underachievers’ parents. In concluding remarks, it is pointed out that there is a need for better pedagogical viii preparedness of teachers for working with underachievers, and some suggestions how to act in this area are brought out.en
dc.description.abstractPolazeći od shvatanja da pedagoška znanja i veštine nastavnika bitno utiču na kvalitet nastavnog procesa i obrazovne ishode učenika, u teorijskom delu rada nastojali smo da odredimo značenje konstrukta „pedagoški pristup“ nastavnika i da sagledamo njegove strukturalne komponente. Razmatrali smo različite teorijske i empirijske sadržaje koji se odnose na nastavnikova pedagoška uverenja, osobine ličnosti, profesionalnu kompetentnost, aktivnosti koje realizuje u nastavi sa didaktičko-metodičkog aspekta, kao i načine na koje kreira podsticajno okruženje za uspešne školske rezultate učenika. Ukazali smo na neka pedagoška rešenja koja su se pokazala kao efikasna u borbi protiv neuspeha učenika i njegovog otuđivanja od škole. Opazili smo da je u svakom pedagoškom rešenju nastavnik prepoznat kao ključni agens promene sa velikim stepenom lične odgovornosti za školsko postignuće učenika. Uzimajući u obzir napred spomenuta razmatranja realizovali smo istraživanje u nameri da identifikujemo karakteristike pedagoških uverenja nastavnika, kao i postupke koje primenjuju u radu sa neuspešnim učenicima. U istraživanju su učestvovali nastavnici (N=200) i učenici (N=241) iz osnovnih škola sa šireg područja grada Beograda. Ispitivali smo nastavnike koji predaju srpski jezik, strani jezik, istoriju, matematiku, fiziku i hemiju. Istraživanjem su bili obuhvaćeni učenici šestog i sedmog razreda koji imaju jednice i/ili dvojke iz napred navedenih predmeta (grupa neuspešnih učenika), kao i oni koji nemaju jednice i/ili dvojke iz spomenutih predmeta (grupa za poređenje). Za potrebe ovog rada konstruisani su posebni upitnici kojima smo ispitivali nastavnike i učenike o značenjima koja pripisuju različitim aspektima postignuća, kao i karakteristikama neuspešnih učenika. Nastojali smo da utvrdimo stavove nastavnika prema neuspešnim učenicima i da identifikujemo aktivnosti i ponašanja koja u radu sa neuspešnim učenicima ispoljavaju. Interesovalo nas je da li postoji veza između stavova i aktivnosti nastavnika, odnosno da li je moguće izvršiti predikciju ponašanja nastavnika prema neuspešnim učenicima na osnovu stavova koje imaju prema neuspehu. Takođe, namera nam je bilo da utvrdimo sličnosti i razlike između nastavnika i učenika u v percepciji učestalosti pojedinih aktivnosti i oblika ponašanja nastavnika koji se ispoljavaju u radu sa neuspešnim učenicima. Rezultati pokazuju da nastavnici pridaju različita značenja školskom neuspehu kao konceptu, kao i da su ta značenja određena uzrokom (obeležjem) za koje procenjuju da u najvećoj meri doprinosi pojavi ovog fenomena. Utvrđeno je da strukturu pedagoških uverenja nastavnika o školskom neuspehu čine uverenja o: a) neuspešnim učenicima; b) pedagoškoj kompetentnosti za rad sa neuspešnim učenicima; c) ličnoj odgovornosti za neuspeh učenika i d) načinima pomoći neuspešnim učenicima. Što se tiče samopercepcije aktivnosti i ponašanja prema neuspešnim učenicima nastavnici su usaglašeni u pogledu kontinuiranog postojanja lične motivisanosti za rad sa ovim učenicima, kao i u pogledu učestale primene poželjnih (podsticajnih) postupaka, a retke primene nepoželjnih postupaka. Međutim, poređenje učeničkih i nastavničkih odgovora pokazalo je da postoje razlike u percepciji učestalosti spomenutih postupaka. Za sve poželjne postupke učenici navode da su ređe prisutni u nastavi nego što navode nastavnici. Razlike su izraženije kada se u obzir uzme prisustvo slabih ocena i učenička samopercepcija uspeha. Niža samopercepcija školskog uspeha, prisustvo i broj slabih ocena pozitivno koreliraju sa mišljenjem učenika da nastavnici češće primenjuju nepoželjne (neprikladne) nastavne postupke, a prikladne ređe. Osim toga, utvrđeno je da postoje razlike u korelaciji između poželjnih i nepoželjnih postupaka i različitih tipova pedagoških uverenja nastavnika Takođe, nalazi pokazuju da je moguće izvršiti i predikciju svih postupaka nastavnika na osnovu stavova (uverenja) koje imaju o školskom neuspehu kao konceptu, osim postupaka koji se odnose na iniciranje različitih oblika saradnje sa kolegama i roditeljima neuspešnih učenika. U zaključnim razmatranjima ukazano je na potrebu za boljom pedagoškom pripremljenošću nastavnika za rad sa neuspešnim učenicima i izneti su neki predlozi kako da se na tom planu i
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//
dc.subjectpedagogical approachen
dc.subjectpedagogical beliefsen
dc.subjectteachers’ behavioren
dc.subjectpedagoški pristupsr
dc.subjectneuspešan učeniksr
dc.subjectpedagoška uverenjasr
dc.subjectponašanje nastavnikasr
dc.titleTeachers´ pedagogical approaches in working with underachieversen
dc.titlePedagoški pristupi nastavnika u radu sa neuspešnim učenicimasr



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