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Semantička razvijenost dece predškolskog uzrasta

dc.creatorLazarević, Emilija
dc.description.abstractIn the paper, we presented results of the wider part of the research of lexicalsematical development of children of pre-school age, i.e. a part of the research of longitudinal study about development of children's literacy. The aim of the research was to study development of the semantic level of the oral development of children of pre-school age from the aspect of ability to perceive, comparing and naming the characteristics of the objects, getting to know relations between terms and ability of classification, placing lexemes into subordinate and ordinate class, i.e. understanding and do [option of hyponymy. Apart from this, the research aimed at determination of the existence of genre differences in the domain of semantic development of children. The sample included children of pre-school age of the typical oral development (N=65). Estimation of the semantic level of the oral development is done by application of the IX subtest. Skill of creating terms AKADIA test of developmental abilities. Given results point at above average development of semantic abilities of children of pre-school age, as well as that the girls are more successful at solving items concerning the skill of terms creation, an this points at more developed semantic ability of girls in comparison to boys.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati jednog dela šireg istraživanja leksičkosemantičke razvijenosti dece predškolskog uzrasta, odnosno deo rezultata prve faze longitudinalne studije o razvoju dečje pismenosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita razvijenost semantičkog nivoa govorno-jezičkog razvoja dece predškolskog uzrasta sa aspekta sposobnosti uočavanja, poređenja i imenovanja osobina pojmova, poznavanja odnosa među pojmovima i sposobnosti klasifikacije, svrstavanja leksema u podređenu i nadređenu klasu, odnosno razumevanje i usvojenost hiponimije. Pored toga, istraživanjem smo nastojali da utvrdimo da li postoje polne razlike u domenu semantičke razvijenosti dece. U uzorak su uključena deca predškolskog uzrasta tipičnog govorno-jezičkog razvoja (N = 65). Procena semantičkog nivoa govorno-jezičke razvijenosti obavljena je primenom IX suptesta Veština stvaranja pojmova AKADIA testa razvojnih sposobnosti. Dobijeni nalazi ukazuju na natprosečnu razvijenost semantičke sposobnosti dece predškolskog uzrasta, kao i na to da su devojčice uspešnije u rešavanju ajtema kojima se procenjivala veština stvaranja pojmova, što upućuje na razvijeniju semantičku sposobnost devojčica u odnosu na dečake.sr
dc.publisherForum pedagoga Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.subjectsemantic developmenten
dc.subjectpre-school childrenen
dc.subjectreading and writing disabilitiesen
dc.subjectsemantički razvojsr
dc.subjectdeca predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.subjectporemećaji čitanja i pisanjasr
dc.titleSemantic development of pre-school childrenen
dc.titleSemantička razvijenost dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.citation.other69(4): 540-548



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