Vesić, Dragan

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Vesić, Dragan (8)
  • Весић, Драган (2)

Author's Bibliography

„Борим се са ветрењачама”: Тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника из перспективе модела агонистичког селфа

Džinović, Vladimir; Grbić, Sanja; Vesić, Dragan

(Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања, 2022)

AU  - Džinović, Vladimir
AU  - Grbić, Sanja
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - У овом раду представљамо експлоративно истраживање у чијем су фокусу тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника, које смо конципирали ослањајући се на модел агонистичког селфа. У истраживању је учествовало девет наставница предметне и разредне
наставе из две београдске основне школе. Истраживање смо дизајнирали као вишеструку студију случаја у којој смо као помоћну методу анализе података, добијених путем
полуструктурисаног интервјуа, користили тематску анализу. Као критеријум селекције
тензичних ситуација користили смо присуство једног од четири типа тензичних односа у
агонистичком селфу: критичко прихватање, продуктивна тензија, акутни сукоб и трајни
сукоб. Ове односе интерпретирали смо као различите начине одвијања психосоцијалне
динамике и решавања психолошке тензије учесница. Селектоване ситуације смо, потом,
тематски категорисали. Идентификовали смо 9 тема у вези са којима наставнице имају
професионалне дилеме. Наши резултати указују на то да се иста професионална дилема
у селфу наставника манифестује кроз различите типове тензичног односа, што сугерише
да није довољно усмерити истраживачку пажњу на садржај наратива о професионалним дилемама већ и на различите механизме психосоцијалне динамике путем којих се дате
тензије одвијају и разрешавају. Оваквав поглед на професионалне дилеме наставника
представља допринос за осмишљавање нових и унапређивање постојећих модела професионалног развоја наставника.
AB  - In this paper, we present an exploratory study on tensions in teacher professional identity based
on the Model of Agonistic Self. The sample comprised nine class and subject teachers employed
at two primary schools in Belgrade. The research was conceived as a multiple-case study in
which thematic analysis was used as an auxiliary method for analyzing the data obtained via a
semi-structured interview. The criterion for the selection of tense situations was the presence of
one of the four types of tense relations in the agonistic self: acceptance with critique, productive
tension, acute conflict, and permanent conflict. These relations were interpreted as different
forms of psychosocial dynamics and ways of resolving psychological tension among participants.
Subsequently, we thematically categorized the selected situations. We identified nine themes in
relation to which our participants had professional dilemmas. Our findings indicate that the
same professional dilemma within a teacher’s self can manifest itself in different kinds of tense
relations. This suggests that it is not sufficient to direct research attention towards the content
of the narratives about professional dilemmas, but that it is also necessary to explore different
mechanisms of psychosocial dynamics through which these tensions develop and get resolved. This perspective on teachers’ professional dilemmas represents a contribution to the creation of
new models and the refinement of existing models of teacher professional development.
PB  - Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања
T2  - Зборник Института за педагошка истраживања
T1  - „Борим се са ветрењачама”: Тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника из перспективе модела агонистичког селфа
T1  - “I am tilting at windmills”: Tensions in teacher professional identity from the perspective of the model of the agonistic self
EP  - 222
IS  - 2
SP  - 189
VL  - 54
DO  - 10.2298/ZIPI2202189D
ER  - 
author = "Džinović, Vladimir and Grbić, Sanja and Vesić, Dragan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "У овом раду представљамо експлоративно истраживање у чијем су фокусу тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника, које смо конципирали ослањајући се на модел агонистичког селфа. У истраживању је учествовало девет наставница предметне и разредне
наставе из две београдске основне школе. Истраживање смо дизајнирали као вишеструку студију случаја у којој смо као помоћну методу анализе података, добијених путем
полуструктурисаног интервјуа, користили тематску анализу. Као критеријум селекције
тензичних ситуација користили смо присуство једног од четири типа тензичних односа у
агонистичком селфу: критичко прихватање, продуктивна тензија, акутни сукоб и трајни
сукоб. Ове односе интерпретирали смо као различите начине одвијања психосоцијалне
динамике и решавања психолошке тензије учесница. Селектоване ситуације смо, потом,
тематски категорисали. Идентификовали смо 9 тема у вези са којима наставнице имају
професионалне дилеме. Наши резултати указују на то да се иста професионална дилема
у селфу наставника манифестује кроз различите типове тензичног односа, што сугерише
да није довољно усмерити истраживачку пажњу на садржај наратива о професионалним дилемама већ и на различите механизме психосоцијалне динамике путем којих се дате
тензије одвијају и разрешавају. Оваквав поглед на професионалне дилеме наставника
представља допринос за осмишљавање нових и унапређивање постојећих модела професионалног развоја наставника., In this paper, we present an exploratory study on tensions in teacher professional identity based
on the Model of Agonistic Self. The sample comprised nine class and subject teachers employed
at two primary schools in Belgrade. The research was conceived as a multiple-case study in
which thematic analysis was used as an auxiliary method for analyzing the data obtained via a
semi-structured interview. The criterion for the selection of tense situations was the presence of
one of the four types of tense relations in the agonistic self: acceptance with critique, productive
tension, acute conflict, and permanent conflict. These relations were interpreted as different
forms of psychosocial dynamics and ways of resolving psychological tension among participants.
Subsequently, we thematically categorized the selected situations. We identified nine themes in
relation to which our participants had professional dilemmas. Our findings indicate that the
same professional dilemma within a teacher’s self can manifest itself in different kinds of tense
relations. This suggests that it is not sufficient to direct research attention towards the content
of the narratives about professional dilemmas, but that it is also necessary to explore different
mechanisms of psychosocial dynamics through which these tensions develop and get resolved. This perspective on teachers’ professional dilemmas represents a contribution to the creation of
new models and the refinement of existing models of teacher professional development.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања",
journal = "Зборник Института за педагошка истраживања",
title = "„Борим се са ветрењачама”: Тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника из перспективе модела агонистичког селфа, “I am tilting at windmills”: Tensions in teacher professional identity from the perspective of the model of the agonistic self",
pages = "222-189",
number = "2",
volume = "54",
doi = "10.2298/ZIPI2202189D"
Džinović, V., Grbić, S.,& Vesić, D.. (2022). „Борим се са ветрењачама”: Тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника из перспективе модела агонистичког селфа. in Зборник Института за педагошка истраживања
Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања., 54(2), 189-222.
Džinović V, Grbić S, Vesić D. „Борим се са ветрењачама”: Тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника из перспективе модела агонистичког селфа. in Зборник Института за педагошка истраживања. 2022;54(2):189-222.
doi:10.2298/ZIPI2202189D .
Džinović, Vladimir, Grbić, Sanja, Vesić, Dragan, "„Борим се са ветрењачама”: Тензије у професионалном идентитету наставника из перспективе модела агонистичког селфа" in Зборник Института за педагошка истраживања, 54, no. 2 (2022):189-222, . .

Model agonističkog selfa: oblici razvoja i promene

Grbić, Sanja; Vesić, Dragan; Džinović, Vladimir

(Beograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, 2021)

AU  - Grbić, Sanja
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
AU  - Džinović, Vladimir
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Predmet ovog rada su oblici razvoja i promene agonistički koncipiranog selfa (Gutvajn
i Džinović, 2019; Džinović, 2020), koji se oslanja na polifono, fukoovsko i konstruktivističko
stanovište. Ovaj model se delimično nadovezuje na doprinose eriksonovskog, narativnog i
dijaloškog modela identiteta, koji su naglasili kontinuitet u doživljaju sebe (Erikson, 2008), kroz
konstruisanje ličnog narativa, aproprijacijom metanarativa (Bruner, 1991; 2003; McAdams, 1996,
2003; Nelson, 2003), u kojem različite Ja-pozicije (glasovi) demokratski pregovaraju (Hermans,
2018). Razvojno-teorijske pretpostavke koje delimo odnose se na relacionu ontologiju
privatnog: unutrašnji plan se ko-konstruiše u socijalnoj praksi, na prvom mestu jezičkoj
(Vigotski, 1960/1996), u kojoj se nužno neprekidno pozicioniramo i bivamo pozicionirani u
okviru javnih diskursa (Bamberg, 1997, 2011; Davies & Harre, 1990).
PB  - Beograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanja
PB  - Beograd : Institut za psihologiju
C3  - Kvalitativna istraživanja kroz discipline i kontekste: osmišljavanje sličnosti i razlika
T1  - Model agonističkog selfa: oblici razvoja i promene
EP  - 83
SP  - 79
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Grbić, Sanja and Vesić, Dragan and Džinović, Vladimir",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Predmet ovog rada su oblici razvoja i promene agonistički koncipiranog selfa (Gutvajn
i Džinović, 2019; Džinović, 2020), koji se oslanja na polifono, fukoovsko i konstruktivističko
stanovište. Ovaj model se delimično nadovezuje na doprinose eriksonovskog, narativnog i
dijaloškog modela identiteta, koji su naglasili kontinuitet u doživljaju sebe (Erikson, 2008), kroz
konstruisanje ličnog narativa, aproprijacijom metanarativa (Bruner, 1991; 2003; McAdams, 1996,
2003; Nelson, 2003), u kojem različite Ja-pozicije (glasovi) demokratski pregovaraju (Hermans,
2018). Razvojno-teorijske pretpostavke koje delimo odnose se na relacionu ontologiju
privatnog: unutrašnji plan se ko-konstruiše u socijalnoj praksi, na prvom mestu jezičkoj
(Vigotski, 1960/1996), u kojoj se nužno neprekidno pozicioniramo i bivamo pozicionirani u
okviru javnih diskursa (Bamberg, 1997, 2011; Davies & Harre, 1990).",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd : Institut za psihologiju",
journal = "Kvalitativna istraživanja kroz discipline i kontekste: osmišljavanje sličnosti i razlika",
title = "Model agonističkog selfa: oblici razvoja i promene",
pages = "83-79",
url = ""
Grbić, S., Vesić, D.,& Džinović, V.. (2021). Model agonističkog selfa: oblici razvoja i promene. in Kvalitativna istraživanja kroz discipline i kontekste: osmišljavanje sličnosti i razlika
Beograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanja., 79-83.
Grbić S, Vesić D, Džinović V. Model agonističkog selfa: oblici razvoja i promene. in Kvalitativna istraživanja kroz discipline i kontekste: osmišljavanje sličnosti i razlika. 2021;:79-83. .
Grbić, Sanja, Vesić, Dragan, Džinović, Vladimir, "Model agonističkog selfa: oblici razvoja i promene" in Kvalitativna istraživanja kroz discipline i kontekste: osmišljavanje sličnosti i razlika (2021):79-83, .

The power relations between the voices of the self as strategies of self-regulation : the case of teacher professional behavior

Džinović, Vladimir; Vesić, Dragan; Grbić, Sanja

(Beograd : Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, 2021)

AU  - Džinović, Vladimir
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
AU  - Grbić, Sanja
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - In this study we explore how a new model of the multiple self can help to better understand
self-regulation of human behavior. We start from the dialogical self theory and the social
cognitive theory of personality. The dynamics of the multiple self is conceived in terms of the
patterns of power relations between the voices as personifications of beliefs and guides for
socially accountable behavior. The multi-voiced self is understood as a processing component
of personality which is responsible for self-regulated behavior and its voices may be viewed
as the interacting mediating processes. The goal of this work is to present the most common
patterns of interaction between the voices as strategies of self-regulation on the example of
teacher professional behavior. The research participants (9 elementary school teachers, all
females, years of experience: 1-10 (N=3), 10-20 (N=4), >20 (N=2)) elicited the voices and
described their relationships while being interviewed. We used a combine deductiveinductive
thematic approach to analyze the data. Starting from preexisting categories of
’dominance’ (ability to manage the actions of others), ‘resistance’ (ability to counter-act in
relation to the dominant position), conflict and cooperation we inductively developed the
matrix of the categories and main categories. Critical dialogues between the researchers were
practiced as the multi-iteration procedure for establishing the intersubjective agreement. The
main categories are: 1) functions of the voices; 2) forms of exercising power; 3) tactics; 4) the
voices’ relations and 5) constellations (patterns of interaction among the voices). The main
category of constellations will be further elaborated. The most frequent constellations show
that the regulation of teachers’ professional behavior is manifested through the stable
domination of voices who personify core professional values, implemented either by a
common group of executors and facilitators (‘The team’ constellation) or by alternative
executors and facilitators, often those who personify undesirable (rough, aggressive) acts,
when the dominant ideology was temporally ‘dethroned’ by the opponents (’The Intervention
team’ constellation). The second most common regulatory strategy ensures the dispersion of
power as a way to prevent its monopolization by a single ideological stance (‘Clash of
ideologies’ constellation). This model of self-regulation may be used to improve teacher
competencies and to prevent burnout.
PB  - Beograd : Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju
PB  - Beograd : Filozofski fakultet
C3  - Empirical studies in psychology
T1  - The power relations between the voices of the self as strategies of self-regulation : the case of teacher professional behavior
EP  - 43
SP  - 43
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Džinović, Vladimir and Vesić, Dragan and Grbić, Sanja",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In this study we explore how a new model of the multiple self can help to better understand
self-regulation of human behavior. We start from the dialogical self theory and the social
cognitive theory of personality. The dynamics of the multiple self is conceived in terms of the
patterns of power relations between the voices as personifications of beliefs and guides for
socially accountable behavior. The multi-voiced self is understood as a processing component
of personality which is responsible for self-regulated behavior and its voices may be viewed
as the interacting mediating processes. The goal of this work is to present the most common
patterns of interaction between the voices as strategies of self-regulation on the example of
teacher professional behavior. The research participants (9 elementary school teachers, all
females, years of experience: 1-10 (N=3), 10-20 (N=4), >20 (N=2)) elicited the voices and
described their relationships while being interviewed. We used a combine deductiveinductive
thematic approach to analyze the data. Starting from preexisting categories of
’dominance’ (ability to manage the actions of others), ‘resistance’ (ability to counter-act in
relation to the dominant position), conflict and cooperation we inductively developed the
matrix of the categories and main categories. Critical dialogues between the researchers were
practiced as the multi-iteration procedure for establishing the intersubjective agreement. The
main categories are: 1) functions of the voices; 2) forms of exercising power; 3) tactics; 4) the
voices’ relations and 5) constellations (patterns of interaction among the voices). The main
category of constellations will be further elaborated. The most frequent constellations show
that the regulation of teachers’ professional behavior is manifested through the stable
domination of voices who personify core professional values, implemented either by a
common group of executors and facilitators (‘The team’ constellation) or by alternative
executors and facilitators, often those who personify undesirable (rough, aggressive) acts,
when the dominant ideology was temporally ‘dethroned’ by the opponents (’The Intervention
team’ constellation). The second most common regulatory strategy ensures the dispersion of
power as a way to prevent its monopolization by a single ideological stance (‘Clash of
ideologies’ constellation). This model of self-regulation may be used to improve teacher
competencies and to prevent burnout.",
publisher = "Beograd : Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, Beograd : Filozofski fakultet",
journal = "Empirical studies in psychology",
title = "The power relations between the voices of the self as strategies of self-regulation : the case of teacher professional behavior",
pages = "43-43",
url = ""
Džinović, V., Vesić, D.,& Grbić, S.. (2021). The power relations between the voices of the self as strategies of self-regulation : the case of teacher professional behavior. in Empirical studies in psychology
Beograd : Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju., 43-43.
Džinović V, Vesić D, Grbić S. The power relations between the voices of the self as strategies of self-regulation : the case of teacher professional behavior. in Empirical studies in psychology. 2021;:43-43. .
Džinović, Vladimir, Vesić, Dragan, Grbić, Sanja, "The power relations between the voices of the self as strategies of self-regulation : the case of teacher professional behavior" in Empirical studies in psychology (2021):43-43, .

Me against myself: introduction to agonistic self methodology for improving well-being

Džinović, Vladimir; Grbić, Sanja; Vesić, Dragan

(Niš : Faculty of Philosophy, 2021)

AU  - Džinović, Vladimir
AU  - Grbić, Sanja
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate the application
of a new model of multiple self in the context of personal
wellbeing. We will present the model of agonistic self-based on
power relations between its components. We conceptualize the
agonistic self as a strategic situation consisting of temporary,
dynamic and context-shaped power relations between different
voices. A new methodology is developed in order to explore
the structure and dynamics of the agonistic self as well as to
facilitate its change in various fields of psychological practice.
The participants of the workshop will be introduced to the
model of agonistic self through guided exploration of their own
repertoires of voices and their relations. Firstly, the participants
will be encouraged to elicit various thoughts and practices that
they use as strategies for maintaining their wellbeing when faced
with challenging circumstances. After that, they will be asked to
envision these strategies as if they were voices to be named and
ascribed short narratives to. Further, the participants’ repertoires
of voices will be supplemented by the voices that they recognize
as originating from significant others. Finally, the participants
will describe the relationships between the elicited voices, in
terms of their relative strength, cooperation, antagonism, etc.
Insights gained from mapping the structure and dynamics of
their agonistic selves will be further used in group discussion on
strategies for improvement of their personal wellbeing. This will be facilitated by the questions such as: which of the voices need
to be supported or silenced, which voices should appear in the
strategic situation in order to reduce some important conflict
etc. As a result, participants will reflect upon their self-regulation
strategies regarding wellbeing. Also, they will gain basic skills
in application of the agonistic self-methodology which will
hopefully become a part of their professional toolkit.
PB  - Niš : Faculty of Philosophy
C3  - Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society
T1  - Me against myself: introduction to agonistic self methodology for improving well-being
EP  - 76
SP  - 75
DO  - 10.46630/awb.2021
ER  - 
author = "Džinović, Vladimir and Grbić, Sanja and Vesić, Dragan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate the application
of a new model of multiple self in the context of personal
wellbeing. We will present the model of agonistic self-based on
power relations between its components. We conceptualize the
agonistic self as a strategic situation consisting of temporary,
dynamic and context-shaped power relations between different
voices. A new methodology is developed in order to explore
the structure and dynamics of the agonistic self as well as to
facilitate its change in various fields of psychological practice.
The participants of the workshop will be introduced to the
model of agonistic self through guided exploration of their own
repertoires of voices and their relations. Firstly, the participants
will be encouraged to elicit various thoughts and practices that
they use as strategies for maintaining their wellbeing when faced
with challenging circumstances. After that, they will be asked to
envision these strategies as if they were voices to be named and
ascribed short narratives to. Further, the participants’ repertoires
of voices will be supplemented by the voices that they recognize
as originating from significant others. Finally, the participants
will describe the relationships between the elicited voices, in
terms of their relative strength, cooperation, antagonism, etc.
Insights gained from mapping the structure and dynamics of
their agonistic selves will be further used in group discussion on
strategies for improvement of their personal wellbeing. This will be facilitated by the questions such as: which of the voices need
to be supported or silenced, which voices should appear in the
strategic situation in order to reduce some important conflict
etc. As a result, participants will reflect upon their self-regulation
strategies regarding wellbeing. Also, they will gain basic skills
in application of the agonistic self-methodology which will
hopefully become a part of their professional toolkit.",
publisher = "Niš : Faculty of Philosophy",
journal = "Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society",
title = "Me against myself: introduction to agonistic self methodology for improving well-being",
pages = "76-75",
doi = "10.46630/awb.2021"
Džinović, V., Grbić, S.,& Vesić, D.. (2021). Me against myself: introduction to agonistic self methodology for improving well-being. in Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society
Niš : Faculty of Philosophy., 75-76.
Džinović V, Grbić S, Vesić D. Me against myself: introduction to agonistic self methodology for improving well-being. in Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society. 2021;:75-76.
doi:10.46630/awb.2021 .
Džinović, Vladimir, Grbić, Sanja, Vesić, Dragan, "Me against myself: introduction to agonistic self methodology for improving well-being" in Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society (2021):75-76, . .

The role of absenteeism in the prediction of math achievement on the basis of Self-Concept and motivation: TIMMS 2015 in Serbia

Vesić, Dragan; Džinović, Vladimir; Mirkov, Snežana

(Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Vesić, Dragan
AU  - Džinović, Vladimir
AU  - Mirkov, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This study examines how students' absenteeism moderates the relationship of math Self-Concept and motivation to learn math on one side and the achievement in the TIMSS 2015 math test on the other. The stratified random sample consists of 4036 fourth grade pupils from 160 primary schools in Serbia. Separate regression models were made for four levels of frequency of students' absenteeism. The results show that Self-Concept makes a positive contribution to the prediction of achievement, and motivation a negative one. Additionally, with the increase of absenteeism the importance of Self-Concept drops and that of motivation grows. The analysis of variance confirmed that along with the increase of absenteeism, students express lower levels of Self-Concept, while the level of motivation does not change. The most important conclusion is that regular class attendance contributes to the students' math Self-Concept and consequential achievement by developing their experiences of success in math. The usefulness of the motivation scale for predicting math test performance is discussed.
AB  - U ovom istraživanju je ispitivano kako izostajanje učenika sa nastave moderira povezanost matematičkog self-koncepta i motivacije za učenje matematike sa jedne strane i postignuća na TIMSS 2015 testu iz matematike sa druge. Stratifikovani slučajni uzorak se sastojao od 4036 učenika četvrtog razreda iz 160 osnovnih škola u Srbiji. Posebni regresioni modeli su sastavljeni za svaki od četiri nivoa učestalosti izostajanja učenika sa nastave. Rezultati su pokazali da self-koncept ima pozitivan doprinos predikciji postignuća, dok je doprinos motivacije negativan. Pored toga, sa porastom izostajanja važnost self-koncepta opada, a motivacije raste. Analiza varijanse je potvrdila da sa porastom izostajanja učenici pokazuju niži nivo self-koncepta, dok se nivo motivacije ne menja. Najvažniji zaključak je da redovno pohađanje nastave doprinosi matematičkom self-konceptu učenika i posledičnom postignuću tako što podstiče njihovo iskustvo uspeha u matematici. Diskutovana je korisnost skale motivacije za predviđanje postignuća na testu iz matematike.
PB  - Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Psihologija
T1  - The role of absenteeism in the prediction of math achievement on the basis of Self-Concept and motivation: TIMMS 2015 in Serbia
T1  - Uloga izostajanja sa nastave u predviđanju matematičkog postignuća na osnovu self-koncepta i motivacije - TIMMS 2015 u Srbiji
EP  - 31
IS  - 1
SP  - 15
VL  - 54
DO  - 10.2298/PSI190425010V
ER  - 
author = "Vesić, Dragan and Džinović, Vladimir and Mirkov, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This study examines how students' absenteeism moderates the relationship of math Self-Concept and motivation to learn math on one side and the achievement in the TIMSS 2015 math test on the other. The stratified random sample consists of 4036 fourth grade pupils from 160 primary schools in Serbia. Separate regression models were made for four levels of frequency of students' absenteeism. The results show that Self-Concept makes a positive contribution to the prediction of achievement, and motivation a negative one. Additionally, with the increase of absenteeism the importance of Self-Concept drops and that of motivation grows. The analysis of variance confirmed that along with the increase of absenteeism, students express lower levels of Self-Concept, while the level of motivation does not change. The most important conclusion is that regular class attendance contributes to the students' math Self-Concept and consequential achievement by developing their experiences of success in math. The usefulness of the motivation scale for predicting math test performance is discussed., U ovom istraživanju je ispitivano kako izostajanje učenika sa nastave moderira povezanost matematičkog self-koncepta i motivacije za učenje matematike sa jedne strane i postignuća na TIMSS 2015 testu iz matematike sa druge. Stratifikovani slučajni uzorak se sastojao od 4036 učenika četvrtog razreda iz 160 osnovnih škola u Srbiji. Posebni regresioni modeli su sastavljeni za svaki od četiri nivoa učestalosti izostajanja učenika sa nastave. Rezultati su pokazali da self-koncept ima pozitivan doprinos predikciji postignuća, dok je doprinos motivacije negativan. Pored toga, sa porastom izostajanja važnost self-koncepta opada, a motivacije raste. Analiza varijanse je potvrdila da sa porastom izostajanja učenici pokazuju niži nivo self-koncepta, dok se nivo motivacije ne menja. Najvažniji zaključak je da redovno pohađanje nastave doprinosi matematičkom self-konceptu učenika i posledičnom postignuću tako što podstiče njihovo iskustvo uspeha u matematici. Diskutovana je korisnost skale motivacije za predviđanje postignuća na testu iz matematike.",
publisher = "Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Psihologija",
title = "The role of absenteeism in the prediction of math achievement on the basis of Self-Concept and motivation: TIMMS 2015 in Serbia, Uloga izostajanja sa nastave u predviđanju matematičkog postignuća na osnovu self-koncepta i motivacije - TIMMS 2015 u Srbiji",
pages = "31-15",
number = "1",
volume = "54",
doi = "10.2298/PSI190425010V"
Vesić, D., Džinović, V.,& Mirkov, S.. (2021). The role of absenteeism in the prediction of math achievement on the basis of Self-Concept and motivation: TIMMS 2015 in Serbia. in Psihologija
Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd., 54(1), 15-31.
Vesić D, Džinović V, Mirkov S. The role of absenteeism in the prediction of math achievement on the basis of Self-Concept and motivation: TIMMS 2015 in Serbia. in Psihologija. 2021;54(1):15-31.
doi:10.2298/PSI190425010V .
Vesić, Dragan, Džinović, Vladimir, Mirkov, Snežana, "The role of absenteeism in the prediction of math achievement on the basis of Self-Concept and motivation: TIMMS 2015 in Serbia" in Psihologija, 54, no. 1 (2021):15-31, . .

Cultural capital and students' achievement: the mediating role of self-efficacy

Radulović, Mladen; Vesić, Dragan; Malinić, Dušica

(Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Radulović, Mladen
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
AU  - Malinić, Dušica
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In this research we set out to determine whether the effect of cultural capital on students' achievement is mediated by self-efficacy. Furthermore, we wanted to determine whether, in the context of this psychological factor, cultural capital maintains a direct effect on students' achievement. The stratified quota sample consisted of 575 eighth grade students from 30 primary schools on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Mediation effect of self-efficacy was analysed in simple mediation model where cultural capital was predictor variable and achievement criteria. It was found that cultural capital in context of self-efficacy directly contributes to students' achievement (beta=.23). Its indirect effect through students' sense of self-efficacy was also recognized (beta=.12). The paper also presents the implications of our findings for educational policies and school practices. We discussed the need for revision of curriculum and the importance of formative assessment with special attention to providing a feedback that has positive effect on students' self-efficacy.
PB  - Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
T2  - Sociologija
T1  - Cultural capital and students' achievement: the mediating role of self-efficacy
EP  - 268
IS  - 2
SP  - 255
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.2298/SOC2002255R
ER  - 
author = "Radulović, Mladen and Vesić, Dragan and Malinić, Dušica",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In this research we set out to determine whether the effect of cultural capital on students' achievement is mediated by self-efficacy. Furthermore, we wanted to determine whether, in the context of this psychological factor, cultural capital maintains a direct effect on students' achievement. The stratified quota sample consisted of 575 eighth grade students from 30 primary schools on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Mediation effect of self-efficacy was analysed in simple mediation model where cultural capital was predictor variable and achievement criteria. It was found that cultural capital in context of self-efficacy directly contributes to students' achievement (beta=.23). Its indirect effect through students' sense of self-efficacy was also recognized (beta=.12). The paper also presents the implications of our findings for educational policies and school practices. We discussed the need for revision of curriculum and the importance of formative assessment with special attention to providing a feedback that has positive effect on students' self-efficacy.",
publisher = "Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd",
journal = "Sociologija",
title = "Cultural capital and students' achievement: the mediating role of self-efficacy",
pages = "268-255",
number = "2",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.2298/SOC2002255R"
Radulović, M., Vesić, D.,& Malinić, D.. (2020). Cultural capital and students' achievement: the mediating role of self-efficacy. in Sociologija
Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd., 62(2), 255-268.
Radulović M, Vesić D, Malinić D. Cultural capital and students' achievement: the mediating role of self-efficacy. in Sociologija. 2020;62(2):255-268.
doi:10.2298/SOC2002255R .
Radulović, Mladen, Vesić, Dragan, Malinić, Dušica, "Cultural capital and students' achievement: the mediating role of self-efficacy" in Sociologija, 62, no. 2 (2020):255-268, . .

Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work

Vujačić, Milja; Vesić, Dragan; Joksimović, Aleksandra

(Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Vujačić, Milja
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
AU  - Joksimović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In our country, research about students' vision of their future professions are very rare. When it comes to fine arts students, these research does not exist at all. There is always a myth associated with the understanding of the personality of artists, and they are considered to be specific, charismatic persons, who have a strong motivation and a need to perform creative work. However, this myth has been challenged in the last decades due to the commercialisation of art. Therefore, in this paper, we will deal with their visions of their professional life and work. The aim of the research is to examine how the future artists visualise their professional life and whether the idea of a charismatic myth is present in their visions or whether they are perhaps shaped by requirements of the current situation in the field of culture and art in our country. The sample included 39 students of the fourth year of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. In the processing of data, we applied the qualitative thematic analysis of the content obtained based on the written testimonies given in the form of a story. The results of the research indicate that the ideas of a charismatic myth are a central motive in the narratives of students and that they are interwoven with the uncertain image of their future profession and their unpreparedness for new roles in society. The paper presents the implications related to higher education policies at faculties of fine arts, as well as the recommendations for further research in this field.
PB  - Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
T2  - Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
T1  - Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work
EP  - 365
IS  - 1
SP  - 326
VL  - 51
DO  - 10.2298/ZIPI1901326V
ER  - 
author = "Vujačić, Milja and Vesić, Dragan and Joksimović, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In our country, research about students' vision of their future professions are very rare. When it comes to fine arts students, these research does not exist at all. There is always a myth associated with the understanding of the personality of artists, and they are considered to be specific, charismatic persons, who have a strong motivation and a need to perform creative work. However, this myth has been challenged in the last decades due to the commercialisation of art. Therefore, in this paper, we will deal with their visions of their professional life and work. The aim of the research is to examine how the future artists visualise their professional life and whether the idea of a charismatic myth is present in their visions or whether they are perhaps shaped by requirements of the current situation in the field of culture and art in our country. The sample included 39 students of the fourth year of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. In the processing of data, we applied the qualitative thematic analysis of the content obtained based on the written testimonies given in the form of a story. The results of the research indicate that the ideas of a charismatic myth are a central motive in the narratives of students and that they are interwoven with the uncertain image of their future profession and their unpreparedness for new roles in society. The paper presents the implications related to higher education policies at faculties of fine arts, as well as the recommendations for further research in this field.",
publisher = "Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja",
title = "Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work",
pages = "365-326",
number = "1",
volume = "51",
doi = "10.2298/ZIPI1901326V"
Vujačić, M., Vesić, D.,& Joksimović, A.. (2019). Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work. in Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd., 51(1), 326-365.
Vujačić M, Vesić D, Joksimović A. Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work. in Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja. 2019;51(1):326-365.
doi:10.2298/ZIPI1901326V .
Vujačić, Milja, Vesić, Dragan, Joksimović, Aleksandra, "Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work" in Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, 51, no. 1 (2019):326-365, . .

Мрежа ситуационих ресурса као подршка унапређивању рада стручних органа у школи

Весић, Драган; Джинович, В.; Гутвајн, Николета

(Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања, 2018)

AU  - Весић, Драган
AU  - Джинович, В.
AU  - Гутвајн, Николета
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - У раду се разматра употреба Мреже ситуационих ресурса, технике настале
у оквиру психологије личних конструката, за потребе унапређивања рада
стручних органа у школи. Различити школски тимови, али и појединци,
свакодневно се сусрећу са потребом за бољом организацијом и адекватнијом
расподелом одговорности. Употреба Мреже ситуационих ресурса даје
прилику да се сваки задатак додели појединцу који ће тај задатак најбоље
урадити, а да притом нико не буде задужен за превелики број задатака. У раду
се разматрају и питања препознавања личних потреба и доступних ресурса,
проблем распршења зависности, као и важност успостављања односа улога
са другим члановима тимова. Примена ове технике у једној средњој стручној
школи омогућила је низ подстицаја за унапређивање рада школског тима
за смањење изостајања ученика са наставе, као што су систематизација задатака и доступних ресурса и разматрање личне одговорности чланова
тима за извршење заједничког циља.
PB  - Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања
T2  - Истраживања у школи
T1  - Мрежа ситуационих ресурса као подршка унапређивању рада стручних органа у школи
EP  - 118
SP  - 105
DO  - 978-86-7447-139-5
ER  - 
author = "Весић, Драган and Джинович, В. and Гутвајн, Николета",
year = "2018",
abstract = "У раду се разматра употреба Мреже ситуационих ресурса, технике настале
у оквиру психологије личних конструката, за потребе унапређивања рада
стручних органа у школи. Различити школски тимови, али и појединци,
свакодневно се сусрећу са потребом за бољом организацијом и адекватнијом
расподелом одговорности. Употреба Мреже ситуационих ресурса даје
прилику да се сваки задатак додели појединцу који ће тај задатак најбоље
урадити, а да притом нико не буде задужен за превелики број задатака. У раду
се разматрају и питања препознавања личних потреба и доступних ресурса,
проблем распршења зависности, као и важност успостављања односа улога
са другим члановима тимова. Примена ове технике у једној средњој стручној
школи омогућила је низ подстицаја за унапређивање рада школског тима
за смањење изостајања ученика са наставе, као што су систематизација задатака и доступних ресурса и разматрање личне одговорности чланова
тима за извршење заједничког циља.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања",
journal = "Истраживања у школи",
booktitle = "Мрежа ситуационих ресурса као подршка унапређивању рада стручних органа у школи",
pages = "118-105",
doi = "978-86-7447-139-5"
Весић, Д., Джинович, В.,& Гутвајн, Н.. (2018). Мрежа ситуационих ресурса као подршка унапређивању рада стручних органа у школи. in Истраживања у школи
Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања., 105-118.
Весић Д, Джинович В, Гутвајн Н. Мрежа ситуационих ресурса као подршка унапређивању рада стручних органа у школи. in Истраживања у школи. 2018;:105-118.
doi:978-86-7447-139-5 .
Весић, Драган, Джинович, В., Гутвајн, Николета, "Мрежа ситуационих ресурса као подршка унапређивању рада стручних органа у школи" in Истраживања у школи (2018):105-118, . .

Профил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукама

Максић, Славица; Весић, Драган; Тењовић, Лазар

(Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања, 2017)

AU  - Максић, Славица
AU  - Весић, Драган
AU  - Тењовић, Лазар
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This work deals with characteristic analyses of elementary school fourth graders who accomplished the
highest achievement in TIMSS 2015 in Serbia in order to identify and better understand their personal and
context characteristics. The students whose achievement both in mathematics and science test was above
the eightieth percentile constituted a group of academically gifted students (N=586), which was compared to
the rest of students from a representative national sample whose achievement in at least on one of the two
tests was under the eightieth percentile (N=3450). The differences between the academically gifted group
and the group consisting of the rest of the students were examined in regard to important characteristics of
the students, as well as their family and school background. The data were collected through questionnaires
completed by the students themselves, their parents, their teachers and the principals of the schools those
students attended. Statistical data analysis covered the testing of statistical significance of differences between
the two groups on chosen variables. The obtained results showed that the academically gifted group and the
group of the rest of the students differed on very few included variables and that those differences were weak.
Among the differences in terms of individual characteristics of students, only the differences in mathematics
self-concept were practically significant, whereas among the differences regarding the home background,
those concerning home learning resources, parents’ education, and vocation and parents’ aspirations about
their child’s education, were worth mentioning. Academically gifted students in regard to the rest of the
students, had a more positive mathematics self-concept, better home resources for learning, more educated
parents, parents with a higher professional status and the parents who had higher education aspirations for
their child. It was concluded that the findings of this study were in accordance with the results of earlier studies
of a psychological, pedagogical and sociological profile of the academically gifted students both in Serbia and
other countries. The limitations of the study that could affect the obtained results were pointed out, as well as
the directions of necessary future research in the domain of academic talents. The educational implications of
the results about defining and creating conditions for reaching higher academic achievement with a greater
number of students within Serbian education system were derived.
PB  - Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања
T2  - TIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наука
T1  - Профил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукама
T1  - The profile of students who accomplished the highest achievement in mathematics and science
EP  - 206
SP  - 183
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Максић, Славица and Весић, Драган and Тењовић, Лазар",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This work deals with characteristic analyses of elementary school fourth graders who accomplished the
highest achievement in TIMSS 2015 in Serbia in order to identify and better understand their personal and
context characteristics. The students whose achievement both in mathematics and science test was above
the eightieth percentile constituted a group of academically gifted students (N=586), which was compared to
the rest of students from a representative national sample whose achievement in at least on one of the two
tests was under the eightieth percentile (N=3450). The differences between the academically gifted group
and the group consisting of the rest of the students were examined in regard to important characteristics of
the students, as well as their family and school background. The data were collected through questionnaires
completed by the students themselves, their parents, their teachers and the principals of the schools those
students attended. Statistical data analysis covered the testing of statistical significance of differences between
the two groups on chosen variables. The obtained results showed that the academically gifted group and the
group of the rest of the students differed on very few included variables and that those differences were weak.
Among the differences in terms of individual characteristics of students, only the differences in mathematics
self-concept were practically significant, whereas among the differences regarding the home background,
those concerning home learning resources, parents’ education, and vocation and parents’ aspirations about
their child’s education, were worth mentioning. Academically gifted students in regard to the rest of the
students, had a more positive mathematics self-concept, better home resources for learning, more educated
parents, parents with a higher professional status and the parents who had higher education aspirations for
their child. It was concluded that the findings of this study were in accordance with the results of earlier studies
of a psychological, pedagogical and sociological profile of the academically gifted students both in Serbia and
other countries. The limitations of the study that could affect the obtained results were pointed out, as well as
the directions of necessary future research in the domain of academic talents. The educational implications of
the results about defining and creating conditions for reaching higher academic achievement with a greater
number of students within Serbian education system were derived.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања",
journal = "TIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наука",
booktitle = "Профил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукама, The profile of students who accomplished the highest achievement in mathematics and science",
pages = "206-183",
url = ""
Максић, С., Весић, Д.,& Тењовић, Л.. (2017). Профил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукама. in TIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наука
Београд : Институт за педагошка истраживања., 183-206.
Максић С, Весић Д, Тењовић Л. Профил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукама. in TIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наука. 2017;:183-206. .
Максић, Славица, Весић, Драган, Тењовић, Лазар, "Профил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукама" in TIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наука (2017):183-206, .

The perspective of pre-school teachers and parents on the development of initiative, cooperation and creativity at preschool age

Polovina, Nada; Vesić, Dragan

(Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Polovina, Nada
AU  - Vesić, Dragan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The starting point of the paper is a conceptual model which unites the concepts of initiative, cooperation and creativity (the ICC model) in the context of the post-modern visions of the desirable changes in educational practice at preschool institutions. Considering the immediate relevance of the opinion of preschool teachers and parents for the affirmation and support of the changes in educational practice, we examined their beliefs and assessments of the meaning, significance and possible personal contribution to the development of initiative, readiness for cooperation and creative behaviour in children. Preschool teachers (N=86) and parents (N=108) of the children who attend the preschool facilities of Belgrade municipality filled in the questionnaire containing open-ended and close-ended questions. The obtained data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Research results indicate that preschool teachers and parents hold the widely accepted traditional notions of indicative aspects of initiative, cooperation and creativity. Preschool teachers ascribe the greatest developmental significance to the development of cooperation among children, which is assessed as a field in which they can provide the greatest personal contribution. This is an important difference compared to parents, who ascribe greater developmental significance to developing initiative in children. A slightly larger number of parents than preschool teachers assessed as significant the balanced development and support to initiative, readiness for cooperation and creative behaviour. The concluding part of the paper discusses the implications of the match/mismatch between the conceptualisations of the ICC model and the beliefs of preschool teachers and parents, as well as the potential of the ICC model to enhance the quality of practice in preschool education.
PB  - Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
T2  - Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
T1  - The perspective of pre-school teachers and parents on the development of initiative, cooperation and creativity at preschool age
EP  - 233
IS  - 2
SP  - 213
VL  - 49
DO  - 10.2298/ZIPI1702213P
ER  - 
author = "Polovina, Nada and Vesić, Dragan",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The starting point of the paper is a conceptual model which unites the concepts of initiative, cooperation and creativity (the ICC model) in the context of the post-modern visions of the desirable changes in educational practice at preschool institutions. Considering the immediate relevance of the opinion of preschool teachers and parents for the affirmation and support of the changes in educational practice, we examined their beliefs and assessments of the meaning, significance and possible personal contribution to the development of initiative, readiness for cooperation and creative behaviour in children. Preschool teachers (N=86) and parents (N=108) of the children who attend the preschool facilities of Belgrade municipality filled in the questionnaire containing open-ended and close-ended questions. The obtained data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Research results indicate that preschool teachers and parents hold the widely accepted traditional notions of indicative aspects of initiative, cooperation and creativity. Preschool teachers ascribe the greatest developmental significance to the development of cooperation among children, which is assessed as a field in which they can provide the greatest personal contribution. This is an important difference compared to parents, who ascribe greater developmental significance to developing initiative in children. A slightly larger number of parents than preschool teachers assessed as significant the balanced development and support to initiative, readiness for cooperation and creative behaviour. The concluding part of the paper discusses the implications of the match/mismatch between the conceptualisations of the ICC model and the beliefs of preschool teachers and parents, as well as the potential of the ICC model to enhance the quality of practice in preschool education.",
publisher = "Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja",
title = "The perspective of pre-school teachers and parents on the development of initiative, cooperation and creativity at preschool age",
pages = "233-213",
number = "2",
volume = "49",
doi = "10.2298/ZIPI1702213P"
Polovina, N.,& Vesić, D.. (2017). The perspective of pre-school teachers and parents on the development of initiative, cooperation and creativity at preschool age. in Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd., 49(2), 213-233.
Polovina N, Vesić D. The perspective of pre-school teachers and parents on the development of initiative, cooperation and creativity at preschool age. in Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja. 2017;49(2):213-233.
doi:10.2298/ZIPI1702213P .
Polovina, Nada, Vesić, Dragan, "The perspective of pre-school teachers and parents on the development of initiative, cooperation and creativity at preschool age" in Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, 49, no. 2 (2017):213-233, . .