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The specifics of the self-image of adolescents from social welfare institutions

dc.contributorMacanović, Nebojša
dc.creatorStojanović, Marija
dc.creatorŽunić-Pavlović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractSlika o sebi, kao jedan od znaĉajnijih psiholoških konstrukata, utiĉe na celokupni razvoj i ponašanje pojedinca od ranog detinjstva. Oblikovanje ovog jedinstvenog psihološkog entiteta determinisano je interakcijama sa tzv. znaĉajnim drugim osobama, prvenstveno roditeljima, kao primarnim agensima socijalizacije. Imajući u vidu da adolescenti na smeštaju u ustanovama socijalne zaštite potiĉu, uglavnom, iz disfunkcionalnih porodica opravdano je pretpostaviti da će ispoljavati odreĊene specifiĉnosti u pravcu formiranja slike o sebi. Stoga, osnovni cilj istraţivanja je utvrĊivanje razlika u percepciji i ocenjivanju sebe izmeĊu adolescenata na smeštaju u ustanovama socijalne zaštite i adolescenata iz opšte populacije. Uzorak ĉini 45 adolescenata na smeštaju u ustanovama socijalne zaštite i 327 adolescenata iz opšte populacije, uzrasta 12-18 godina, oba pola. Za procenu slike o sebi primenjena je Pirs-Harisova skala self-koncepta za decu (Piers-Harris & Herzberg, 2002). Rezultati ukazuju da adolescenti na smeštaju u ustanovama socijalne zaštite imaju niţe skorove na svim skalama i niţi ukupan skor u odnosu na njihove vršnjake iz opšte populacije. Statistiĉki znaĉajne razlike zabeleţene su za skorove na skalama PrilagoĊenost ponašanja (t = 2,11; df = 370; p < 0,05) i Sreća i zadovoljstvo (t = 3,89; df = 370; p < 0,01), kao i za Ukupan skor (t = 2,81; df = 370; p < 0,05). Dobijeni nalazi impliciraju potrebu za sprovoĊenjem dodatnih programa i radionica u ustanovama socijalne zaštite, u cilju unapreĊivanja i poboljšanja slike o sebi.
dc.description.abstractThe self-image, as one of the most important psychological constructs, affects the overall development and behavior of an individual since early childhood. The formation of this unique psychological entity is determined by interactions with the significant other people, primarily parents, as primary socialization agent. Having in mind that adolescents from social welfare institutions mostly come from dysfunctional families, it is reasonable to assume that these children will demonstrate specific ways to create and develop their self-image.. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to examine the differences between adolescents from social welfare institutions and adolescents from the general population regarding their self-perception and self-evaluation. The sample consists of 45 adolescents frm the social welfare institutions and 327 adolescents from the general population, ages 12-18 years, both sexes. Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale was used for the assessment of self-concept (Piers-Harris & Herzberg, 2002). The results of this study have demonstarted that adolescents from social welfare instututions have lower scores on each subscale and a lower total score than their peers. Statistically significant differences were found on the scales that measure Behavioral Adjustment (t = 2,11; df = 370; p < 0,05) and Happiness and Satisfaction (t = 3,89; df = 370; p < 0,01), as well as Total Score (t = 2,802; df = 370; p < 0,05). The obtained findings imply the need for implementing additional programs and workshops in social welfare institutions, in order to improve the self-image.
dc.publisherBanja Luka : Centar modernih znanja
dc.publisherBeograd : Resursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju
dc.sourcePoložaj marginalizovanih grupa u društvu
dc.subjectslika o sebi
dc.subjectocenjivanje sebe
dc.subjectPirs-Harisova skala self-koncepta za decu
dc.subjectThe Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale
dc.titleSpecifičnosti slike o sebi adolescenata na smještaju u ustanovama socijalne zaštitesr
dc.titleThe specifics of the self-image of adolescents from social welfare institutions
dc.description.otherIV Međunarodna naučna konferencija Društvene devijacije Položaj marginalizovanih grupa u društvu

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