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Value profile of the social elite in Serbia

dc.contributorGojkov, Grozdanka
dc.contributorStojanović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMaksić, Slavica
dc.creatorPavlović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractProucavanje vrednosnog profila srpske društvene elite znacajno je zbog niza otežavajucih okolnosti u kojima se društvo nalazi, a od elite se ocekuje da usmeri razvoj i napredak, inicirajuci i izvodeci potrebne promene. U ovakvim okolnostima, postavlja se pitanje karakteristika srpske društvene elite, kao pokazatelja njenih mogucnosti da doprinese prevazilaženju postojecih kriza u zemlji. Istraživanje se sprovodi sa podacima iz cetvrtog talasa Evropske studije vrednosti koja je u Srbiji ra ena 2008. godine na reprezentativnom uzorku gra ana (N=1512). Poduzorak društvene elite cine najobrazovaniji i najimucniji ispitanici iz uzorka (N=77). Vrednosni profil analiziran je preko odnosa pojedinca prema najznacajnijim aspektima licnog i društvenog života. Upore ivanje srpske društvene elite sa ostalim gra anima potvr uje da elitu karakterišu neka svojstva koja ukazuju na njenu vodecu ulogu u društvu i moc da tu ulogu vrši, ali te razlike nisu tako velike niti konzistentne kako je ocekivano. Predstavnici elite izjavljuju da su srecniji i da su boljeg zdravstvenog stanja; oni više vrednuju posao, ali su im manje važni materijalni aspekti posla; tolerantniji su u pogledu dužnosti u porodici i manje su skloni da prihvate tradicionalnu podelu uloga; više su zainteresovani za politiku i politicki su aktivniji od ostalih gra ana. Me utim, pri su enju o temama koje bi se mogle svrstati u oblast morala, elita se neznatno razlikuje od ostalih gra ana. U završnom delu rada diskutovane su karakteristike nedovoljno diferenciranog vrednosnog profila srpske društvene elite u kontekstu njenog doprinosa održivom razvoju zemlje.sr
dc.description.abstractStudying of value profile of the Serbian social elite is very significant because of a number of aggravating circumstances the society is facing, while the elite is expected to direct the development and progress by initiating and performing the necessary changes. In such circumstances, there arises the question of the characteristics of the Serbian social elite, as an indicator of its possibility to contribute to the overcoming of the existing crises in the country. The research is conducted on the data collected in the fourth wave of the European Value Survey, conducted in 2008 (N=1512). The subsample of social elite was formed based on the combination of educational and financial status and comprised the most educated and the richest respondents from the sample (N=77). The value profile was analysed through individual’s relation towards the most important aspects of personal and social life. Elite representatives declare themselves as happier and of better health condition; they value work more, but find financial work aspects less important than other citizens; they are more tolerant with respect to duties in the family and less inclined to accept some elements of traditional role division; they are more interested in politics and more politically active. However, elite is slightly different from other citizens when judging about the topics that could be classified in the field of morality. The concluding part of the paper discusses the characteristics of insufficiently differentiated value profile of the Serbian social elite in the context of its contribution to the sustainable development of the country.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače "Mihailo Palov"sr
dc.publisherArad : Univerzitatea de Vest "Aurel Vlaicu"sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47010/RS//sr
dc.sourceDaroviti i moralnostsr
dc.subjectdruštvena elitasr
dc.subjectvrednosne orijentacijesr
dc.subjectEvropska studija vrednostisr
dc.subjectsocial elitesr
dc.subjectvalue orientationssr
dc.subjectEuropean Value Surveysr
dc.titleVrednosni profil društvene elite u Srbijisr
dc.titleValue profile of the social elite in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherNaučni skup Darovitost i moralnostsr



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