Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Inclusion in education as the goal and content of reforms of the modern school system

dc.creatorRatković, Marija
dc.creatorHebib, Emina
dc.creatorŠaljić, Zorica
dc.description.abstractInkluzija u obrazovanju kao teorijsko-praktični koncept široko je prihvaćena i predstavlja zajedničku odliku prakse funkcionisanja savremenih školskih sistema, kao i sadržaj globalne politike i nacionalnih obrazovnih politika. U savremenim školskim sistemima poslednjih dekada realizuju se reformski procesi sa ciljem razvoja prakse inkluzivnog obrazovanja, ali sa različitim nivoom uspešnosti. Pored promena u praksi nastavnog i školskog rada, za uspešnu praktičnu primenu inkluzije u obrazovanju potrebne su promene u sadržaju i strukturi škole i načinu funkcionisanja školskog sistema. Inkluzivna praksa mora se razvijati uporedo sa razvojem inkluzivne politike i kulture, a to je moguće jedino u školskom i društvenom sistemu orijentisanom na inkluziju. Stoga se obeležja društvenog konteksta mogu posmatrati kao ključna determinanta praktične primene inkluzije u obrazovanju. U radu se, nakon osvrta na inkluziju u obrazovanju kao cilju i sadržaju aktuelnih reformskih procesa, analiziraju pretpostavke uspešne implementacije ovog koncepta u praksu školskog rada i objašnjavaju obeležja društvenog konteksta kao determinanata razvoja inkluzivne školske prakse. Kao ilustracija za iznetu ocenu o važnosti obeležja društvenog konteksta kao determinante uspešnosti razvoja inkluzivne školske prakse dati su osnovni podaci o dosadašnjem toku i rezultatima primene inkluzije u obrazovanju u Finskoj i
dc.description.abstractInclusion in education, as a theoretical and practical concept, has been widely accepted and represents a common feature of the functioning of modern school systems, and is also included in global and national education policies. Over the last decades, modern education systems have undergone reforms aimed at developing inclusive educational practice, with admittedly varying levels of success. In addition to changes in teaching and school work, the successful implementation of inclusion in education requires changes in the content and structure of schools and in the functioning of the school system. Inclusive practice must be developed alongside the development of inclusive policies and a culture of inclusivity, which is only possible within an inclusion-oriented education and social system. Therefore, the characteristics of the social context can be regarded as a key determinant in the practical implementation of inclusion in education. After looking at inclusion in education as the goal and content of current reform processes, the paper analyzes the prerequisites for the successful implementation of this concept in the practice of school work and then goes on to consider the characteristics of the social context as a determinant of the development of inclusive school practice. In order to illustrate the authors' assessment of the importance of the characteristics of the social context as a determinant of the successful development of inclusive school practice, the paper gives a brief overview of the progress and results of the implementation of inclusion in education in Finland and India.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Pedagoško društvo Srbije
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectreforma školskog sistemasr
dc.subjectobeležja društvenog kontekstasr
dc.subjectinkluzija u obrazovanjusr
dc.subjectinclusion in educationen
dc.subjecteducation system reformen
dc.subjectcharacteristics of the social contexten
dc.titleInkluzija u obrazovanju kao cilj i sadržaj reformi savremenih školskih sistemasr
dc.titleInclusion in education as the goal and content of reforms of the modern school systemen
dc.citation.other66(3): 437-450



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