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Creative process and design of a supporting didactic culture in kindergarden and school

dc.contributorGojkov, G.
dc.contributorStojanović, A.
dc.creatorMaksić, Slavica
dc.creatorPavlović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractUverenja vaspitača i nastavnika o manifestacijama kreativnosti od velikog su značaja za tretman dečije kreativnosti u vaspitno-obrazovnim ustanovama. U radu se saopštavaju rezultati ispitivanja uverenja vaspitača i nastavnika o tome kako se ispoljava kreativnost u detinjstvu i mladosti. Upoređivanje uverenja vaspitača iz predškolskih ustanova, nastavnika osnovne i nastavnika srednje škole ukazalo je da su sve tri grupe ispitanika najčešće opažale manifestovanje kreativnosti na uzrastu sa kojim rade kao kreativni proces. Analiza sadržaja odgovora ukazala je na očekivane razlike u polju ispoljavanja kreativnosti: na predškolskom uzrastu to je spontana ili vođena igra, a u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi to su učenje i druženje sa vršnjacima. Bez obzira na uzrast, kreativni proces je uvek bio povezivan sa inicijativom pojedinca da pokrene aktivnost, samostalnim i originalnim radom, i ispoljavanjem i razvojem ličnog stila u mišljenju i ponašanju. Zaključeno je da su dobijeni nalazi ukazali na razvojno viđenje kreativnosti, ali u isto vreme idu u prilog uverenju da je suština kreativnosti istovetna od najranijeg uzrasta do odraslog doba. U završnom delu rada diskutovane su pedagoške implikacije nalaza izvedenog istraživanja za dizajniranje didaktičke kulture koja bi podržala kreativnost dece i uč
dc.description.abstractThe beliefs of preschool and school teachers about creativity manifestation are very important for the treatment of children’s creativity in educational institutions. Paper presents results of a research study on preschool and school teachers’ beliefs about creativity expression during the period of childhood and adolescence. Comparison of beliefs of preschool teachers, primary school teachers and secondary school teachers revealed that all three groups most frequently perceived creativity manifestation at the age of their students as the creative process. Content analysis of responses that pointed to creativity as the creative process revealed differences in the field of creativity manifestation: creativity was perceived as spontaneous or directed play at the preschool age, while at the primary and secondary schooling periods it was perceived as learning and making friendship with peers. Regardless of age, the creative process was always associated with individual initiative in starting an activity, working autonomously and originally, and expressing and developing personal thinking and activity style. It was concluded that obtained findings represented a developmental notion of creativity, but at the same time they were a confirmation of belief that creativity is a phenomenon with the same underlying essence from the earliest age to the adulthood. Educational implications of this research study for conceiving a didactic culture supporting students’ creativity in childhood and adolescence were discussed in the last part of the
dc.publisherVršac : Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače "Mihailo Palov"sr
dc.publisherArad : Univerzitatea de Vest "Aurel Vlaicu"sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//sr
dc.sourceDaroviti i didaktička kultura : zbornik 21sr
dc.subjectmanifestacije kreativnostisr
dc.subjectkreativni processr
dc.subjectdidaktička kulturasr
dc.subjectcreativity manifestationsr
dc.subjectcreativity processsr
dc.subjectdidactic culturesr
dc.titleKreativni proces i dizajniranje podržavajuće didaktičke kulture u vrtiću i u školisr
dc.titleCreative process and design of a supporting didactic culture in kindergarden and schoolsr

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