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Is theory the best practise? A review of research in work psychology in Serbia (1995−2019)

dc.contributorAnđelković, Darinka
dc.creatorĐurišić-Bojanović, Mirosava
dc.creatorMaksić, Slavica
dc.identifier.issn2560-306X (Online)
dc.description.abstractRad se bavi odnosom između akademskog, primenjenog i praktičnog znanja iz oblasti primenjene psihologije koja ima potencijal da doprinese privrednom i društvenom razvoju. Cilj ove analize je da dà početni uvid u dominantne teme i društvenu relevantnost istraživačkih aktivnosti u oblasti psihologije rada u Srbiji u periodu značajnih društvenih promena (1995−2019). Materijal za analizu se sastojao od sažetaka radova u oblasti psihologije rada koji su predstavljeni na dve vodeć e nacionalne konferencije – Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji i Sabor psihologa Društva psihologa Srbije (N = 657). Korišćen je tematski analitički postupak za konstrukciju kodnog sistema kojim su definisani kriterijumi za prikupljanje relevantnih podataka. U obradi podataka primenjeni su eksploratorni sekvencijalni dizajn i uporedna longitudinalna analiza. Opšti zaključak zasnovan na kvalitatativnoj analizi podataka ukazuje na društvenu relevantnost istraživačkih aktivnosti u oblasti psihologije rada u tom periodu. Rezultati analize takođe se razmatraju iz ugla novijih modela strateškog planiranja i društvenog razvoja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na pojavu novih tema i oblasti, kao i na postojanje veze između značajnih društvenih promena i istraživačkih aktivnosti u oblasti psihologije rada u navedenom periodu. Označeni su neki elementi nove paradigme pozitivne prakse razvoja ljudskih resursa. U radu su razmotrene šire teorijsko-metodološke i praktične implikacije dobijenih nalaza za psihologiju rada.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with the relationship between academic, applied and practical knowledge in the field of applied psychology, which has the potential to contribute to economic and social development. The aim of the analysis is to make an initial insight into the dominant topics and social relevance of research activities in the field of work psychology in Serbia in the period of significant social changes (1995−2019). The material for the analysis consisted of abstracts of papers in the field of work psychology, which were presented at two leading national conferences − Empirical Research in Psychology and the Meeting of Psychologists of Serbia (N = 657). The thematic analytical procedure was used for the construction of the code system used for defining the criteria for collecting relevant data. Exploratory sequential design and comparative longitudinal analysis were used for data processing. The general conclusion based on qualitative data analysis suggests the existence of social relevance of research activities in the field of work psychology in this period. The results of the analysis were also considered from the perspective of some recent models of strategic planning and social development. The obtained results indicate the emergence of new topics and areas, as well as the existence of a link between significant social changes and research activities in the field of work psychology in this period. Some elements of the new paradigm of the positive human resource development practice are highlighted. The paper concludes with discussing the broader theoretical-methodological and practical implications of the obtained findings for work psychology.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofski fakultetsr
dc.sourcePsihološka istraživanjasr
dc.subjectakademska i praktična znanjasr
dc.subjectpsihologija radasr
dc.subjectrazvoj ljudskih resursasr
dc.subjecttematska analiza sadržajasr
dc.subjectmodeli strateškog planiranja razvojasr
dc.subjectacademic and practical knowledgesr
dc.subjectwork psychologysr
dc.subjecthuman resources developmentsr
dc.subjectthematic content analysissr
dc.subjectmodels of strategic development planningsr
dc.titleDa li je teorija najbolja praksa: pregled istraživanja u psihologiji rada u Srbiji (1995−2019)sr
dc.titleIs theory the best practise? A review of research in work psychology in Serbia (1995−2019)sr



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