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Giftedness, talent and creativity: from assessment to implicit theories

dc.contributorMilićević, Nebojša
dc.contributorRistić, Irena
dc.contributorNešić, Vladimir
dc.contributorVidanović, Snežana
dc.creatorMaksić, Slavica
dc.description.abstractDarovitost, talenti i kreativnost predstavljaju visoko vrednovana svojstva savremenog čoveka, što ih čini i visoko poželjnim ciljevima obrazovanja. Predmet interesovanja u ovom radu su teorijski i praktični aspekti ova tri fenomena i njihovih međusobnih relacija: naučno tumačenje, praksa merenja i perspektive u daljem proučavanju. Analiza aktuelnih naučnih teorija otkriva da se darovitost vidi kao potencijal za ostvarivanje visokih postignuća. Talenat se određuje kao darovitost ispoljena u određenoj oblasti, a kreativnost kao suština i cilj talenta. Kreativnost odraslih potvrđuje se njihovim delima, što nije slučaj kod dece. Dilema oko toga da li su deca kreativna bila je podsticaj za istraživanje o mogućnostima merenja kreativnosti u detinjstvu i mladosti, koje je sproveo autor rada sa saradnicima. Rezultati testiranja i procenjivanja kreativnosti u likovnom i verbalnom domenu ukazali su na značajne razlike u relevantnim karakteristikama kreativnih i nekreativnih učenika osnovne škole na nivou grupa, ali se nijedna od karakteristika nije mogla smatrati kritičnom na individualnom nivou. Nezadovoljavajuće naučno tumačenje kreativnosti i nezadovoljavajući rezultati u praksi merenja bili su podsticaj za pokretanje novog istraživanja koje se odnosi na implicitne teorije kreativnosti. U radu se prikazuju rezultati ispitivanja implicitnih teorija relevantnih društvenih grupa koje je sproveo autor rada sa saradnicima. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da uverenja i stavovi koje imaju vaspitači, nastavnici i drugi učesnici u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu, kao i istraživači koji proučavaju obrazovanje, utiču na to kako će opažati kreativnost i kako će se prema njoj ponašati. Mogućnosti vaspitno-obrazovnih ustanova da doprinesu kreativnom izražavanju budućih nosilaca društvenog razvoja diskutuju se u okviru sledećih pitanja: kome treba kreativno obrazovanje i kakve rizike nosi kreativna orijentacija mladih?sr
dc.description.abstractGiftedness, talent and creativity are highly valued qualities of modern human being that make them highly desirable educational goals as well. Topics of interest in the paper are theoretical and practical aspects of the three phenomena and their interrelations: scientific theories, assessment practice and perspectives for further research in the field. The analysis of the actual scientific theories revealed that giftedness is considered as an individual potential for the high achievement. Talent is defined as giftedness manifested within a specific area, and creativity as the essence and the outcome of the talent. Creativity of adults is confirmed by their creative production, which is not the case in creativity of children. Dilemma about children’s creativity was the incentive for the research of creativity assessment in childhood and youth that was done by the author and her collaborators. Results of testing and estimation of primary school students’ creativity in visual and verbal domain pointed to significant differences in relevant characteristics of creative and non-creative group of students, but not only one of the characteristic had critical effect on the individual level. Insufficient scientific explanation and results of creativity assessment were incentive for starting new research study of creativity which was related to the implicit theories. Findings from research studies of relevant social groups’ implicit theories which were done by the author and her collaborators are presented in the paper. These findings indicated that beliefs and attitudes of educators, teachers, and other participants in the education process, as well as educational researchers, had the impact on their perceptions of and behavior toward creativity. Capacity of educational institutions to contribute to the creative expression of future leading actors in social development is discussed in the framework of the following questions: who needs creative education and what are the risks of creative orientation of the youth?sr
dc.publisherNiš : Izdavački centar Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//sr
dc.sourceO kreativnosti i umetnosti – savremena psihološka istraživanja tematski zbornik radovasr
dc.subjectmerenje kreativnostsr
dc.subjectimplicitne teorije kreativnostisr
dc.subjectmeasurement of creativitysr
dc.subjectimplicit theories of creativitysr
dc.titleDarovitost, talenat i kreativnost: od merenja do implicitnih teorijasr
dc.titleGiftedness, talent and creativity: from assessment to implicit theoriessr
dc.description.otherOva publikacija uključuje uglavnom saopštenja sa IX konferencije održane 2013. godinesr



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