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The profile of students who accomplished the highest achievement in mathematics and science

dc.contributorМарушић Јаблановић, Милица
dc.contributorГутвајн, Николета
dc.contributorЈакшић, Ивана
dc.creatorМаксић, Славица
dc.creatorВесић, Драган
dc.creatorТењовић, Лазар
dc.description.abstractThis work deals with characteristic analyses of elementary school fourth graders who accomplished the highest achievement in TIMSS 2015 in Serbia in order to identify and better understand their personal and context characteristics. The students whose achievement both in mathematics and science test was above the eightieth percentile constituted a group of academically gifted students (N=586), which was compared to the rest of students from a representative national sample whose achievement in at least on one of the two tests was under the eightieth percentile (N=3450). The differences between the academically gifted group and the group consisting of the rest of the students were examined in regard to important characteristics of the students, as well as their family and school background. The data were collected through questionnaires completed by the students themselves, their parents, their teachers and the principals of the schools those students attended. Statistical data analysis covered the testing of statistical significance of differences between the two groups on chosen variables. The obtained results showed that the academically gifted group and the group of the rest of the students differed on very few included variables and that those differences were weak. Among the differences in terms of individual characteristics of students, only the differences in mathematics self-concept were practically significant, whereas among the differences regarding the home background, those concerning home learning resources, parents’ education, and vocation and parents’ aspirations about their child’s education, were worth mentioning. Academically gifted students in regard to the rest of the students, had a more positive mathematics self-concept, better home resources for learning, more educated parents, parents with a higher professional status and the parents who had higher education aspirations for their child. It was concluded that the findings of this study were in accordance with the results of earlier studies of a psychological, pedagogical and sociological profile of the academically gifted students both in Serbia and other countries. The limitations of the study that could affect the obtained results were pointed out, as well as the directions of necessary future research in the domain of academic talents. The educational implications of the results about defining and creating conditions for reaching higher academic achievement with a greater number of students within Serbian education system were
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за педагошка истраживањаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.sourceTIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наукаsr
dc.subjecta talent for mathematics and sciencesr
dc.subjectthe psychologicalsr
dc.subjectpedagogical and sociological profile of academically gifted studentssr
dc.subjectTIMSS 2015sr
dc.titleПрофил ученика који су остварили највише постигнуће у математици и природним наукамаsr
dc.titleThe profile of students who accomplished the highest achievement in mathematics and sciencesr
dc.description.otherНазив збирке: Библиотека „Педагошка теорија и пракса“ 44sr



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