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Students’ self-beliefs on the competencies in mathematics and science

dc.contributorМарушић Јаблановић, Милица
dc.contributorГутвајн, Николета
dc.contributorЈакшић, Ивана
dc.creatorDžinović, Vladimir
dc.creatorVujačić, Milja
dc.description.abstractAcademic self-concept and intrinsic motivation for mathematics and science are the constructs used in TIMSS 2015 to operationalize students’ self-beliefs on the competencies as important predictors of achievement in knowledge tests. This paper provides an overview of a research which was aimed at determining the relationship between the self-concept, intrinsic motivation, gender and achievement of students from Serbia in TIMSS 2015 mathematics and science tests. The aim has been operationalized through the following research questions: (a) Is there an effect of self-concept and intrinsic motivation on students’ achievement? (b) What is the relationship between self-concept and intrinsic motivation as the predictors of students’ achievement? (c) Are there any gender differences between self-concept and intrinsic motivation, on the one side, and the achievement in mathematics and science, on the other? (d) Has there been a significant change between selfconcept, intrinsic motivation and students’ achievement compared to TIMSS 2011? The data indicate that the model that includes self-concept and intrinsic motivation as predictor variables explains the largest percentage of variance of achievement in mathematics and science tests (around 27%), whereby self-concept figures as the strongest predictor. Intrinsic motivation has a low effect on achievement at the afore-mentioned age, which may be attributed to the highly structured context of learning and prominence of external validators. Research results further point to a strong correlation between self-concept and intrinsic motivation, which indicates that perceiving oneself as successful at mathematics and/or science, influences the development of an authentic interest in and fulfilment by the activities related to the above-mentioned school contents. Compared to year 2011, in 2015 there is an increase in the number of students with the intermediate, high and advanced achievement who have a high mathematics self-concept. When it comes to science, there are no significant differences regarding the self-concept compared to 2011, except for the category of students with the low level of achievement, in which there is a considerably lower percentage of the students whose self-concept is high. The findings suggest that it is necessary for teachers to pay attention to the development of students’ selfbeliefs on the possibilities for achieving high results in mathematics and science, and not only to the strategies of learning and the learning content
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за педагошка истраживањаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//sr
dc.sourceTIMSS 2015 у Србији : међународног истраживања постигнућа ученика 4. разреда основне школе из математике и природних наукаsr
dc.subjectstudents’ achievementsr
dc.subjectmathematics and sciencesr
dc.titleСамоуверења ученика о компетентности у математици и природним наукамаsr
dc.titleStudents’ self-beliefs on the competencies in mathematics and sciencesr
dc.description.otherНазив збирке: Библиотека „Педагошка теорија и пракса“ 44sr

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