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Teacher education and its compliance with labour market

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorPandiloska Grncharovska, Svetlana
dc.creatorSvetlana, Kiril
dc.description.abstractImajući u vidu Strategiju za razvoj obrazovanja 2018–2025, kao i indikativni strateški dokument 2014– 2020. (koji sadrži glavne ciljeve za pružanje pomoći preko IPA II u sektoru obrazovanja) cilj našeg istraživanja jeste da se utvrdi koje su kompetencije studenata, budućih nastavnika, najsvrsishodnije za tržište rada. S obzirom na to da nastavnici predstavljaju ključni faktor i imaju najvažniju ulogu u unapređivanju obrazovne prakse i pripremanju svakog deteta za ostvarivanje punog potencijala za život i rad u 21. veku, u istraživanju je učestvovalo 36 nastavnika razredne nastave. Organizovane su četiri fokus grupe. Primenjena je kvalitativna metodologija, odnosno tematska analiza. Rezultati pokazuju da su za uspešan rad nastavnika danas, između ostalog, potrebni jasno određeni ciljevi školskog časa, integracija sadržaja različitih nastavnih predmeta, implementacija projekata, realizacija akcionih istraživanja u učionici, kao i priprema individualnog obrazovnog plana za učenike koji imaju posebne obrazovne potrebe. Da bi ovo bilo uspešno realizovano, neophodna je uža saradnja između fakulteta i škola, tj. praktičara, jer je njihovo mišljenje prilikom izrade studijskih programa veoma važno. Ciljeve nastavnog programa za obrazovanje nastavnika trebalo bi odrediti u odnosu na postignuće učenika i njihove veštine i kompetencije, odnosno znanje (ono što su naučili i razumeli) i praktične kompetencije (ono što znaju i umeju da urade). Dakle, potrebno je preći sa takozvanog studijskog programa orijentisanog na input (definisan time šta nastavnik predaje) na tzv. studijski program orijentisan na output (definisan veštinama i kompetencijama koje će studenti steći) koji će im obezbediti konkurentnost na tržištu rada.sr
dc.description.abstractWith the view of the Education Development Strategy 2018-2025, as well as the indicative strategic document 2014-2020 containing the main goals for providing assistance via IPA II in the education sector, the objective of our research is to determine what competencies of the students, future teachers, are most desired by the labour market. As the teachers are considered to be key factor and have the most important role in improving educational practice and preparing each child to develop their full potential for living and working in the 21st century, the research involved 36 primary school teachers. Four focus groups were organized. The qualitative methodology, i.e. thematic analysis was applied. The results of the data analysis show that successful teaching today, among other things, requires: clearly set objectives of a lesson, integration of contents belonging to different teaching subjects, implementation of projects, implementation of action research in the classroom, as well as development of the individual educational plan for students with special educational needs. For successful implementation, a closer collaboration between faculties and schools i.e. practitioners is required, as their opinion in the process of designing study programs is very important. The objectives of the teacher education curriculum should be specified with regard to the students’ achievements and their skills and competences i.e. knowledge (what they have learned and understood) and practical competences (what they know and can do). Namely, it is necessary to move from the socalled input-oriented study program (defined by the teachers’ lecturing) to the so-called outputoriented program (defined by the skills and competencies that students will acquire) which will ensure their competitiveness in the labour market.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.subjectobrazovanje nastavnikasr
dc.subjecttržište radasr
dc.subjectteacher educationsr
dc.subjectlabour marketsr
dc.titleObrazovanje nastavnika i njegova usklađenost sa tržištem radasr
dc.titleTeacher education and its compliance with labour marketsr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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