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Teacher, what about your role(s)?

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorMakovec Radovan, Danijela
dc.description.abstractU učionici je nastavnik prvenstveno prepoznat kao neko ko je odgovoran za kreiranje i upravljanje procesom učenja, ali to mu nije jedini zadatak. U vremenu brzih promena i sve dubljih socijalnih razlika, nastavnik je taj koji može pomoći učenicima da prevaziđu prepreke i nedostatke i ostvare svoj puni potencijal. Podučavanje se smatra glavnim zadatkom svakog nastavnika, ali ono mora imati i obrazovne, etičke i moralne karakteristike. Zato se nastavnik smatra i pedagoškim stručnjakom koji stavlja akcenat na odnose, vrednosti, moralne i emocionalne faktore. U našem istraživanju u kome je učestvovalo 345 nastavnika iz 16 slovenačkih srednjih škola, proučavali smo različite uloge nastavnika, a posebno smo bili zainteresovani za ono što nastavnici smatraju svojim ključnim ulogama u učionici. Da bismo prikupili podatke, napravili smo upitnik u kome se nalaze izjave koje se odnose na konkretan i specifičan rad nastavnika, i zamolili smo nastavnike da upotrebe četvorostepenu skalu da bi procenili koliko je za njih istinita svaka od navedenih izjava. Kao polaznu tačku za izjave postavili smo tri dimenzije rada nastavnika (sadržajna, didaktička i pedagoška izvrsnost), što potvrđuju i rezultati potvrđujuće faktorske analize. Međutim, naši nalazi upućuju na to da uloga nastavnika nije samo trodimenzionalni konstrukt kao što smo prvo pretpostavili. Razlog leži u tome što se svaka od tri „teorijske” uloge sastoji od dve ili tri dodatne uloge koje su međusobno povezane. Dakle, više ne govorimo o trodimenzionalnom konstruktu, već o sedmodimenzionalnom konstruktu uloge nastavnika (više u Makovec, 2018). Takođe smo saznali da većina nastavnika prati najnovija kretanja u svojoj stručnoj oblasti i smisleno uključuje nova dostignuća u svoja predavanja. Nastavnici takođe ističu da prilikom planiranja časa pored obrazovnog efekta nastavnih sadržaja, naglašavaju i njihovu vrednosnu dimenziju. Rezultati našeg istraživanja pokazuju da nastavnici obavljaju svoje uloge profesionalno, etički i najbolje što mogu, što znači da oni učenike i obrazuju i uče (moralnim) vrednostima.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the classroom, the teacher is primarily recognised as the one who is responsible for designing and managing the students’ learning process, but this is not their only task. In the time of rapid change and deepening social differences, he or she is also the one who can help students overcome obstacles and deficiencies, and realize their potential. Teaching is considered to be the teacher’s principal task but it must include educational, ethical and moral qualities too. That is why the teacher is also seen as a pedagogical expert who highlights relations, values, moral and emotional factors. In our research which included 345 teachers from 16 Slovenian high schools, we have studied different roles of teachers, with a special interest in what teachers consider to be their key roles in the classroom. To collect data, we created a questionnaire which included statements relating to the teachers’ actual and particular work and asked the participating teachers to use the four-point scale to assess how true each of the statements was for them. As a starting point for statements, we set three dimensions of the teacher’s work (content, didactic and pedagogical excellence), which is also confirmed by the results of the confirmatory factor analysis. However, our analysis established that a teacher’s role is not just the three-dimensional construct as we first assumed. This is because each of the three “theoretical” roles consists of two or three further roles that are interrelated. Thus, we no longer speak of the three-dimensional construct but about a seven-dimensional construct of the teacher’s role (more in Makovec, 2018). We also found out that majority of teachers keep up with the progress in their field of expertise and meaningfully include new developments in their teaching. The teachers also point out that, when planning a lesson, they not only take into consideration educational effect of the learning contents but also emphasize their value dimensions. Our research findings indicate that the teachers perform their roles professionally, ethically, and to the best of their ability, which means that they also educate students and teach them (moral) values.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.subjectuloga nastavnikasr
dc.subjectdidaktička i pedagoška izvrsnostsr
dc.subjectteacher’s rolesr
dc.subjectdidactic and pedagogical excellencesr
dc.titleNastavniče, šta je sa vašom ulogom?sr
dc.titleTeacher, what about your role(s)?sr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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