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Scholarship of teaching and learning in the croatian he system

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorMiočić, Ivana
dc.creatorBuchberger, Iva
dc.creatorVignjević Korotaj, Bojana
dc.description.abstractRasprave o konceptu akademskog pristupa podučavanju i učenju (SoTL) započele su devedesetih godina prošlog veka na američkim univerzitetima, a danas je to aktuelna tema u visokom obrazovanju u Evropi. Ovo je primetno u mnogim udruženjima visokoškolskih ustanova, kod akademika i studenata koji žele da unaprede istraživanje i praksu SoTL-a, kao i kroz sve brojniju literaturu na tu temu. Iako postoji nekoliko različitih pristupa definisanju ovog koncepta, zajednički element u konceptualizaciji SoTL-a jeste da bi nastavnici u visokom obrazovanju trebalo da se, sistematično i služeći se naučnim metodama, bave izučavanjem, istraživanjem, ocenjivanjem i usavršavanjem svoje nastavne prakse. Pritom, nastavnici bi potom trebalo da objave rezultate istraživanja o svojoj nastavnoj praksi kako bi se popravio opšti kvalitet obrazovanja. Stoga je cilj ovog rada da se otkrije da li se i kako koncept SoTL sprovodi u sistemu visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kako bismo ostvarili postavljeni cilj, sprovešćemo analizu dokumentacije koju su podneli Odbori za kvalitet na svim hrvatskim univerzitetima. Važno je istaći da preliminarna analiza literature ukazuje na to da, kad je reč o Hrvatskoj, ne postoji ni konsenzus o adekvatnom prevodu koji bi potvrdila akademska zajednica, a koji bi mogao omogućiti dublje razumevanje ovog koncepta. Stoga se doprinos ovog rada najpre odnosi na pokušaj da se više pažnje usmeri na veoma aktuelnu temu SoTL-a i da se u tom kontekstu pozicionira sistem visokog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj.sr
dc.description.abstractDiscussions regarding the concept of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) have started in the 1990s at American universities, while today it is a topic of an ongoing discussion in the European area of higher education as well. This is evident in many associations of higher education institutions, with academics and students seeking to improve the research and practice of SoTL, as well as in the growing literature on the subject. Although there is a number of different approaches in defining this concept, the common element in the conceptualisation of SoTL is that higher education teachers should study, explore, evaluate and improve their teaching practice systematically and by the means of scientific methods. Additionally, the idea is that teachers should then publish the results of the research on their teaching practice in order to improve the overall quality of education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to detect whether and how the concept of SoTL is implemented in the higher education system in the Republic of Croatia. In order to realize the set aim, we will conduct an analysis of the documents brought forward by the Quality Committees at all Croatian universities. It is noteworthy to point out that the preliminary literature analysis indicates that, in the Croatian context, there does not even seem to be consensus on adequate translation affirmed by the academic community, which would enable its deeper understanding. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is first and foremost reflected in an attempt to focus more attention on the very current topic of SoTL and to position the higher education system in Croatia within its context.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.subjectakademski pristup podučavanju i učenju (SoTL)sr
dc.subjectvisoko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectnastavna praksasr
dc.subjectstrateška dokumentacijasr
dc.subjectscholarship of teaching and learningsr
dc.subjecthigher educationsr
dc.subjectteaching practicesr
dc.subjectpolicy documentssr
dc.titleAkademski pristup podučavanju i učenju (SoTL) u hrvatskom sistemu visokog obrazovanjasr
dc.titleScholarship of teaching and learning in the croatian he systemsr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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