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School between enlightenment ideal and neoliberal economy

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorAutor, Sabina
dc.description.abstractSuočeni sa izrazito utilitarističkim stavom prema znanju koji je rezultat dugog istorijskog procesa u 20. i 21. veku, znanje, nauka i škola (obrazovne ustanove) su danas manje ili više komodifikovane i funkcionišu u skladu sa ekonomskim principima. Stalnim traženjem značenja direktne upotrebe znanja, umanjivanjem znanja o kompetencijama i slabljenjem simboličkog autoriteta znanja socijalni status znanja postaje lošiji. Kontradiktornost ponavljanja parole o društvu zasnovanom na znanju s jedne strane i neznanja i postistine s druge strane, postali su deo svakodnevnog života. U ovom radu ćemo da prikažemo fundamentalne promene koje su se dešavale u razumevanju i ulozi znanja i obrazovanja u savremenim društvima. Kritička analiza u prezentaciji biće zasnovana na otkrićima i argumentima odabranih klasičnih i savremenih autora (I. Kant, M. Fuko, M. Goše, A. Gelhard itd.). Stanovište prosvetiteljstva – koje je videlo znanje kao preduslov za proces Bildunga – zamenjeno je shvatanjem znanja kao nečega što postoji nezavisno od pojedinca. Znanje je sada postalo (radni) alat pojedinca, što nije deo njegove konstitucije kao subjekta. Znanje na koje se tradicionalno gledalo kao na preduslov za emancipaciju čoveka i kao takvo je oslobođeno (Kant), danas je, naprotiv, postalo načelo ekonomske strukture društava i, prema tome, represivno ili barem potencijalno represivno (Goše). Dakle, znanje, tesno povezano sa moći (Fuko), sada je, više nego ikad, instrument kontrole društva. Dakle, ako je svrha škole, tradicionalno, bila oblikovanje građanina, a znanje je bilo u sedištu procesa u kojem je pojedinac postao subjekt i emancipovan, čini se da danas obrazovanje više predstavlja povratak ljudskoj nezrelosti nego izlazak iz nje.sr
dc.description.abstractConfronted with a highly utilitarian attitude towards knowledge, which is the result of a long historical process in the 20th and the 21st century, knowledge, science and school (educational institutions) are today more or less commodified and functioning according to the principles of economy. By constantly searching for meaning of direct use of knowledge, reducing the knowledge on competences and weakening the symbolic authority of knowledge, the social status of knowledge is getting weak. The contradiction between repeating the catchword about the knowledge based society on one hand, and ignorance and post-truth on the other, has become a part of everyday life. Our focus in the paper will be to outline the fundamental changes which occurred both in understanding and in the role of knowledge and education in contemporary societies. The critical analysis in the presentation is based on findings and arguments of selected classical and contemporary authors (I. Kant, M. Foucault, M. Gauchet, A. Gelhard etc.). The Enlightenment perspective which perceived knowledge as a precondition for the process of Bildung, is replaced by perceiving the knowledge as something that exists independently from an individual. Knowledge has now become the individual’s (working) tool, which is not a part of his constitution as a subject. Knowledge which was traditionally seen as a precondition for human emancipation and was liberated as such (Kant), today, on the contrary, became the principle of economic structure of societies and, consequently, oppressive or at least potentially oppressive (Gauchet). Thus, knowledge in close connection with power (Foucault) is being now, more than ever, a matter of the social control. So, if the purpose of school was traditionally the formation of a citizen and knowledge lied at the heart of the process in which an individual became the subject and emancipated, education today seems more like a way back to human’s immaturity, than out of it.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.titleŠkola između ideala prosvetiteljstva i neoliberalne ekonomijesr
dc.titleSchool between enlightenment ideal and neoliberal economysr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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