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Importance of functional style in modernization of society

dc.contributorStanišić, Jelena
dc.contributorRadulović, Mladen
dc.creatorStevanović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractStrateški cilj svakog razvijenog društva predstavlja efikasno obrazovanje. Kvalitetno obrazovanje, posebno srednjoškolsko, ima dugoročan uticaj na nivo jezičke pismenosti, budući da u savremenom društvu adekvatan nivo osnovne jezičke, matematičke i informatičke pismenosti predstavlja nužan uslov da svaki pojedinac aktivno učestvuje u društvu i preuzme svoju društvenu odgovornost. S tim u vezi, osnovu opšteg školskog obrazovanja svakog učenika u Srbiji predstavlja izučavanje standardnog srpskog jezika i njegovih normi, jer se drugačije ne mogu procenjivati znanja učenika ponaosob koja se iskazuju kroz primenjivanje pravila/zakonitosti jezičke kulture (usmeno i pisano izražavanje). Osnovu jezičke kulture, dakle, čini književnojezička norma. Imajući u vidu iznesene konstatacije, cilj rada je da se ukaže na ulogu jezičke kulture u reformisanim programima nastave i učenja, kao i da se ispita funkcionalnost primene znanja iz oblasti jezičke kulture kod srednjoškolaca i studenata, jer oni predstavljaju najprogresivniju grupu govornika srpskog jezika. U prvom delu rada biće razmatrani sadržaji koji se u aktuelnim programima nastave i učenja za srpski jezik u gimnazijama odnose na nastavnu oblast Jezička kultura. U drugom delu rada biće analizirano postignuće srednjoškolaca i studenata na testu znanja koji je koncipiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Test je sadržao pitanja otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa iz triju oblasti: gramatika, pravopis i leksikologija. Nivo težine zadataka usklađen je sa sadržajima nastavnog programa za srpski jezik za više razrede osnovne škole. Uzorak je prigodan i čini ga 239 ispitanika – maturanti gimnazija i srednjih stručnih škola i studenti fakulteta na kojima se ne izučavaju filološke nauke. U analizi su primenjene metode deskriptivne statistike. Istraživanje je realizovano školske 2018/2019. i 2019/2020. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da u reformisanim nastavnim programima za gimnazije – kao i u programima koji su donedavno važili – jezičkoj kulturi nije posvećeno mnogo pažnje, jer su sadržaji naklonjeni temama iz jezika i književnosti. Istakli bismo da su izostale i različite vrste programskih vežbi (pravopisne, jezičke, leksičko-semantičke i dr.) koje se realizuju u nastavnom kontekstu u kome postoji potreba za svrsishodnim usvajanjem i primenom datih jezičkih zakonitosti i pojava u novim komunikativnim situacijama. Takođe, rezultati analize postignuća srednjoškolaca i studenata na testu upućuju na to da nijedan ispitanik nije odgovorio tačno na sva pitanja, kao i da je najveći problem predstavljala upravo funkcionalna primena znanja, posebno iz pravopisa i leksikologije. Više od polovine ispitanika nije umelo da upotrebi veliko slovo ili da primeni pravila o spojenom i odvojenom pisanju reči poštujući ortografsku normu srpskog jezika, a više od trećine ispitanika nije odgovorilo na pitanja koja se tiču osnovnih leksičkih mehanizama (metafora i metonimija) koji umnogome doprinose bogaćenju leksičkog fonda. U radu se zaključuje da bi u srednjoškolskim nastavnim programima trebalo da budu zastupljeniji sadržaji iz jezičke kulture, kao i da je u srednjoškolskoj nastavi srpskog jezika neophodno više pažnje posvetiti praktičnoj primeni stečenog znanja u realnim jezičkim situacijama. Pored toga, nalazi ukazuju da bi studenti, posebno na nastavničkim fakultetima na kojima je jezik struke praktično neminovan, trebalo da imaju obavezan predmet u okviru koga bi se izučavala pravila standardnog srpskog jezika, odnosno jezičke kulture, kako bi se zaustavio pad kvaliteta usmenog i pisanog diskursa mladih govornika srpskog
dc.description.abstractEfficient education is a strategic goal of every developed society. High quality education, particularly high-school education, has a long-term influence on the level of linguistic literacy since, in the modern society, the satisfactory level of basic literacy in linguistics, mathematics and informatics is a prerequisite for the individual to actively participate in the society and assume their social responsibility. In this regard, studying the standard Serbian language and its norms is the basis of general education for every student in Serbia, as the students’ individual knowledge, demonstrated through applying rules/laws of the functional style (written and oral expression), cannot be assessed otherwise. Therefore, the literary language norm creates the basis of functional style. Having in mind these remarks, the objective of the paper is to point to the role of functional style in the reformed teaching and learning programs as well as to examine efficiency of the applied knowledge of functional style in high-school and university students, as they represent the most progressive group of Serbian language speakers. The first part of the paper will deliberate the contents relating to functional style in the current Serbian language teaching and learning high-school programs. The second part of the paper will analyze the achievement of high school and university students through the knowledge test specifically composed for this research. The test consists of the openended and closed-ended questions from three fields: grammar, spelling and lexicology. The difficulty level of the task matches the contents of Serbian language curriculum for the senior primary school grades. The sample is appropriate and consist of 239 participants – high-school and vocational school graduates and philology faculty students. Descriptive statistics methods are applied in the analysis. The research was realized in the school years 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. The research results show that in the reformed high-school curriculums – as well as in the curriculums that were valid up until recently – functional style received little attention as the contents favor the topics of language and literature. We underline that different types of program exercises (spelling, linguistic and lexical semantic, etc.) that are implemented in the teaching context where there is a need for purposeful adoption and implementation of given linguistic principles and phenomena in new communication situations, were also missing. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of high-school and university students’ achievements at the test show that none of the participants answered all the questions correctly. Also, the greatest problem was functional application of knowledge, especially in spelling and lexicology. More than a half of participants did not know how to use a capital letter or apply the rules for the words that are spelled together or apart, respecting the orthographic norm of the Serbian language. Also, more than a half of participants did not answer the questions regarding the basic lexical mechanisms (metaphor and metonymy) which contribute greatly to enrichment of lexical fund. The paper concludes that high-school curriculums should contain more functional style contents and that the high-school Serbian language teaching should pay more attention to practical application of acquired knowledge in real linguistic situations. In addition, the results show that students, especially those from teacher training faculties where the vocational language is virtually inevitable, should have a compulsory subject that would teach the rules of standard Serbian language i.e. functional style, so as to prevent the decline in quality of oral and written discourse of young Serbian language
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//sr
dc.sourceObrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društvasr
dc.subjectjezička kulturasr
dc.subjectnastava srpskog jezikasr
dc.subjectnastavni programsr
dc.subjectfunctional stylesr
dc.subjectSerbian language teachingsr
dc.subjecthigh-school studentssr
dc.subjectuniversity studentssr
dc.titleZnačaj jezičke kulture u procesima modernizacije društvasr
dc.titleImportance of functional style in modernization of societysr
dc.description.otherZbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"

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