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Research on motivation in education: systematic review of research in serbian scientific journals from 2000 to 2019

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.creatorLazarević, Dušanka
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja motivacije u obrazovanju predstavljaju sponu između teorije i obrazovne prakse i mogu značajano da doprinesu razvoju kako teorija motivacije, tako i unapređivanju kvaliteta motivacije svih učesnika u obrazovnom procesu.Cilj ovog rada je da se na osnovu sistematskog pregleda radova u časopisima naučne zajednice u Republici Srbiji, za period od 2000. do 2019. godine, analiziraju istraživanja motivacije u obrazovanju i identifikuju metodološki problemi u ovoj istraživačkoj oblasti. Pretragom baze SCIndeks i internet stranice časopisa, selektovano je 130 radova. U analizu je uključeno 96 radova u kojima su prezentovana empirijska istraživanja. Primenom induktivne tematske analize radovi su analizirani s obzirom na problem/cilj istraživanja, teorijsko polazište, vrstu istraživanja, istraživački nacrt, instrumente/tehnike u istraživanju, ciljnu populaciju i predmetnu oblast. Rezultati su pokazali da je najviše istraživana veza motivacije za učenje sa drugim pojmovima (stavovi, self koncept, samoregulacija u učenju, akademski uspeh), zatim spoljašnji i unutrašnji podsticaji za učenje, vrsta i nivo motivacije za učenje, motiv postignuća, konstruisanje novih ili adaptacija postojećih instrumenata, motivacija nastavnika i u malom procentu motivacija darovitih i učenika sa teškoćama u razvoju. Najzastupljenija teorijska polazišta su Teorija samodetereminacije i Teorija motivacije postignuća. Od 96 emprijskih radova najzastupljenija su kvantitativna, korelaciona istraživanja. Od primenjenih instrumenata u kvantitativnim istraživanjima najzastupljeniji su upitnici/skale procene, a u kvalitativnim intervju i posmatranje. Kada se posmatra ciljna populacija najzastupljenija su istraživanja u ukojima su učestvovali učenici, zatim studenti i nastavnici dok su ostali učesnici vaspitnoobrazovnog procesa malo zastupljeni. Opštamotivacija za učenje istraživana je u 46% radova, a motivacija za pojedine predmete u 54% radova. Najviše je istraživana motivacija za matematiku i engleski jezik. Kao najistaknutiji problemi u istraživanju motivacije u razmatranim radovima ispoljili su se nedostatak razvojnih istraživanja, posebno longitudinalnih, zatim eksperimentalnih istraživanja, radova u kojima su konstriusani instrumenti za procenu motivacije za učenje, kao i kvalitativnih i mešovitih istraživanja. Nedostaju istraživanja o motivacionoj klimi u nastavi, kao i istraživanja o povezanosti porodice i škole u domenu akademske motivacije. U daljim istraživanjima potrebno je težiti većoj teorijskoj i metodološkoj raznovrsnosti, kao i proučavanju motivacije u kontekstu procesa učenja koji se odvija u nastavi.sr
dc.description.abstractResearch on motivation in education represents a connection between theory and educational practice and can significantly contribute to development of the theory of motivation and improvement of the quality of motivation of all participants in educational process. The aim of this paper is to analyze research on motivation in education and identify methodological problems in this area of research, based on a systematic review of papers in journals of scientific community in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2000 to 2019. By searching the SCIndeks database and the journal’s website, 130 papers were selected. The analysis included 96 papers in which empirical research was presented. Using inductive thematic analysis, the papers were analyzed with regard to the problem/aim of the research, theoretical starting point, type of research, research design, research instruments/techniques, target population and subject area. The results showed that the connection between motivation for learning and other concepts (attitudes, self-concept, self-regulation in learning, academic success) was researched most, followed by external and internal incentives for learning, type and level of motivation for learning, achievement motive, construction of new or adaptation of existing instruments, motivation of teachers and, in a small percentage, motivation of gifted students and students with disabilities.The most common theoretical starting points are the Theory of Self-Determination and the Theory of Achievement Motivation. Out of 96 empirical papers, the quantitative, correlation research is the most common. Out of the instruments used in quantitative research, the most common are questionnaires/rating scales, and in qualitative interviews and observation. As for the target population, the most common research is with students, then students and teachers, while other participants in the educational process are underrepresented. The general motivation for learning was investigated in 46% of papers, and motivation for individual subjects in 54% of papers. The motivation for mathematics and English language is the most examined. The most prominent problems in the research of motivation in the considered papers lie in the lack of developmental research, especially longitudinal, then experimental research, papers with the construction of instruments for assessing motivation for learning, as well as qualitative and mixed research. There is a lack of research on the motivational climate in teaching, as well as of research on relationship between family and school in the field of academic motivation. In further research, it is necessary to strive for greater theoretical and methodological diversity, as well as study of motivation in the context of learning process that takes place in teaching.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectmotivacija u obrazovanjusr
dc.subjectmetode istraživanjasr
dc.subjectsistematski pregled radovasr
dc.subjectmotivation in educationsr
dc.subjectresearch methodssr
dc.subjectsystematic review of paperssr
dc.titleIstraživanje motivacije u obrazovanju: sistematski pregled istraživanja u srpskim naučnim časopisima od 2000. do 2019. godinesr
dc.titleResearch on motivation in education: systematic review of research in serbian scientific journals from 2000 to 2019sr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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