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Computer assisted learning as student’s choice: potential strategy to improve motivation in english language learning

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorĐorđević, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractNa osnovu teorije o samodeterminaciji motivacija učenika se može unaprediti tako što bi se učenicima dozvolio određeni nivo autonomije u odnosu na proces odlučivanja u nastavnoj praksi, tj. tako što bi im se dozvolio izbor u iniciranju i upravljanju sopstvenim aktivnostima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj primene računara u nastavi jezika (CALL – Computer Assisted Language Learning) na nivo motivacije 50 univerzitetskih studenata koji uče engleski jezik kao strani (EFL – English as a Foreign Language) i to kao četvorosemestralni kurs tokom koga studenti u nastavi koriste računar po sopstvenom izboru (CALL). Hipoteza od koje se polazi jeste da će nivo motivacije biti povećan ukoliko se učenicima koji uče engleski jezik kao strani (EFL) dozvoli da sami izaberu da koriste računar (CALL) kao željeno okruženje za učenje. Na ovaj način će im biti obezbeđeni uslovi u kojima oni mogu da motivišu sebe i dostignu ishode učenja. Na osnovu tronedeljnog kvazieksperimenta, kontrolna grupa je redovnu nastavu engleskog jezika kao stranog imala u konvencionalnim uslovima (nastava licem u lice, bela tabla i materijal na papiru), dok je eksperimentalna grupa redovnu nastavu pohađala u okruženju u kome su po sopstvenom izboru koristili računar (CALL), pri čemu je materijal za učenje prilagođen kombinaciji nastave licem u lice i onlajn nastavi. Prateći principe istraživanja uz ponovljena merenja, na osnovu pet upitnika koji su sadržali pitanja zatvorenog tipa i grupne diskusije nakon eksperimenta, evaluacija i analiza motivacije učesnika potvrdila je znatno uvećanje pozitivnog stava prema učenju u grupi u kojoj su studenti koristili računar (CALL) (od 45,0% na 86,0%). Grupna diskusija je ukazala na to da je 76% učesnika iz kontrolne grupe zažalilo što se nije opredelilo za korišćenje računara u nastavi (CALL). Rezultati upućuju na to da bi institucije trebalo da razmotre uključivanje svojih učenika u proces odlučivanja kada je reč o okruženju za učenje, tipu i modelu instrukcije, stilovima, strategijama i dr. Na taj način bi nastava pomogla učenicima da shvate korist koju bi imali od sopstvenih izbora i motivisala bi ih da rade više, što bi pozitivno uticalo na ishode nastave.sr
dc.description.abstractBased on the Self Determination Theory, students’ motivation may be increased by allowing them a certain level of autonomy with respect to decision-making in the teaching and learning process, i.e. by allowing a choice in initiating and regulating their own actions. The aim of this research is to explore the impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on the motivation level of 50 third-year university students who study English as a foreign language (EFL) as a four-semester course, when the CALL environment is the students’ choice. The hypothesis is that the level of motivation will be increased if EFL students are allowed to choose CALL as a preferred learning environment. This will provide setting within which the students can motivate themselves and achieve a more successful learning outcome. Based on a three-week quasi-experiment, the control group received their regular EFL instruction in a conventional classroom (face-to-face instruction, white board and hard copy material) and the experimental group received their regular EFL instruction within a CALL environment where the learning material was adjusted to a combination of face-to-face and online teaching. Following the principles of repeated measures research design based on five close-ended questionnaires and a group discussion after the experiment, evaluation and analysis of the participants’ motivation confirmed a noticeable increase regarding the learners’ positive attitude to learning in the CALL group (from 45.0% to 86.0%). The group discussion indicated that 76% of the participants in the control group regretted not opting for CALL. The results indicate that institutions should consider including their students in decision-making process regarding the learning environment, type and mode of instruction, styles, strategies, etc. In that way, the teaching process would help learners realize the benefits of their own choices and motivate them for working harder. This would have a positive impact on the outcomes of teaching and learning process.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectstrategija unapređivanjasr
dc.subjectprimena računarasr
dc.subjectnastava engleskog jezikasr
dc.subjectimprovement strategysr
dc.subjectEnglish language learningsr
dc.titlePrimena računara kao izbor učenika: potencijalna strategija za unapređivanje motivacije u nastavi engleskog jezikasr
dc.titleComputer assisted learning as student’s choice: potential strategy to improve motivation in english language learningsr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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