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Factors of demotivation for learning among grammar school graduates

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorMatićević, Zorana
dc.creatorMarković, Nataša
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je podstaknuto učestalom pojavomdemotivisanosti za učenje kod gimnazijskih maturanata,koja je primetna u proteklim godinama. Cilj istraživanja je da se rasvetle upravo ovi činioci demotivisanosti. U okviru kulturno-psihološkog i sociološko teorijskog okvira ovog istraživanja motivacija se opisuje kao proces u kom se susreću karakteristike konteksta i karakteristike osobe. Кao važni činioci motivacije za učenje prepoznaju se percepcija instrumentalnosti i upotrebne vrednosti učenja i znanja i perspektiva budućnosti. Poseban značaj imaju karakteristike konteksta u kom se uči, tj. način na koji su učenici podstaknuti da veruju da je ponašanje u sadašnjosti (učenje i postignuće) svrsishodno za postizanje budućih ciljeva. U ovom kvalitativnom istraživanju postavljena su sledeća istraživačka pitanja: 1) Na koje načine učenici vide upotrebnu vrednost učenja i postignuća za budućnost? 2) Šta učenike navodi na određene perspektive budućnosti? Sprovedene su dve fokus grupe sa 20 maturanata dve beogradske gimnazije. Odabrani su učenici kod kojih je primećen pad i u motivaciji za učenje i u postignuću, u prvom polugodištu četvrtog razreda. Analiza sadržaja odgovora ukazuje na sledeće:1) učenici ne prepoznaju znanja i postignuća kao instrumente društvene promocije, jer kako navode, ima drugih načina koji su lakši i brži; 2) mogućnost da se uslov za upis na fakultet obezbedi posredstvom prijemnog ispita, kao i izvesnost upisa na privatne fakultete i pre završene školske godine, školsko postignuće spušta na listi prioriteta; 3) statusna hijerarhija nije hijerarhija znanja i veština. Na najvišim položajima nisu ljudi koji najviše znaju ili umeju. Može se zaključiti da se sa društvenim promenama menja i perspektiva budućnosti učenika što negativno utiče na motivisanost za učenje.Stoga je pri planiranju obrazovnih politika važno da budu prepoznati kontekstualni činioci motivacije za učenje, ali je neophodno i da svi učesnici budu angažovani u kreiranju nove obrazovne stvarnosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThe research was stimulated by the frequent occurrence of demotivation for learning among high school graduates, which has been noticeable in recent years. The aim of the research is to clarify these particular factors for demotivation. Within the cultural-psychological and sociological theoretical framework of this research, motivation is described as a process in which characteristics of a context and characteristics of personality meet. Perception of instrumentality and use value of learning and knowledge, as well as perspectives in future, are recognized as important factors of motivation for learning. Characteristics of the context in which learning is conducted, ways by which students are encouraged to believe that their behaviour in the present (learning and achievement) is meaningful for achieving future goals, are in focus. In this qualitative research, the following research questions were asked: 1) do the students see the use value of learning and achievement for the future? 2) What leads students towards certain perspectives of the future? Two focus groups were conducted with 20 high school graduates from two Belgrade high schools. The students who demonstrated a decline both in motivation for learning and achievement in the first semester of the 4th grade, were selected. Analysis of the content of the answers provides the following insights: 1) the students do not recognize knowledge and achievements as instruments of social promotion, because, as they say, there are other ways that are easier and faster; 2) with the possibility for enrolment through the entrance exam and enrolment to private faculties even before the end of the school year, the school achievement loses priority; 3) the status hierarchy is not a hierarchy of knowledge and skills. People with great knowledge and skills are not in the highest positions in society. It can be concluded that with the social changes, the students’ perspective of the future also changes, which negatively affects the motivation to learn. Therefore, when planning educational policies, it is important to recognize the contextual factors of motivation for learning, as well as the engagement of all participants in creating a new educational reality.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectmotivacija za školsko učenjesr
dc.subjectdemotivisanost učenika za učenjesr
dc.subjectčinioci motivacije za učenjesr
dc.subjectmaturanti gimnazijesr
dc.subjectmotivation for school learningsr
dc.subjectstudent’s demotivation for learningsr
dc.subjectlearning motivation factorssr
dc.subjectgrammar school graduatessr
dc.titleČinioci demotivisanosti za učenje кod maturanata gimnazijesr
dc.titleFactors of demotivation for learning among grammar school graduatessr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"sr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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