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Research of student activity in teaching - methodological dilemma

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorR. Mikanović, Brane
dc.creatorB. Popović, Kristijan
dc.description.abstractAktivnost učenika u nastavi se definiše kao delovanje, kritičko razmišljanje, te pokazivanje inicijative za samostalno rešavanje zadataka i drugih problemskih situacija u nastavi. Aktivnost učenika u nastavi determinisana je brojnim faktorima. Istraživački radovi pokazuju da se najčešće izdvajaju motivacija za nastavu, osposobljnost za učenje, pozicija učenika u nastavi i inoviranost nastave. U tim radovima nisu uočljive implikacije za metodologiju pedagoških istraživanja, posebno u smislu u koje vreme i na koji način istraživati aktivnost učenika u nastavi. Cilj rada je da se uporede istraživački nalazi (faktori koji determinišu aktivnost učenika u nastavi, razlike između stavova učenika o tome koliko su aktivni u nastavi u odnosu na pol i školski uspeh učenika) dobijeni tokom dva merenja, na početku i na kraju školske godine, te da se ukaže na određene implikacije i uočene metodološke dileme. Uzorak istraživanja čini 104 učenika petog razreda, koji su na početku i na kraju školske 2018/2019. godine popunjavali Skalu aktivnosti učenika u nastavi – SAUN. Skala Likertevog tipa koja sadrži 40 tvrdnji konstruisana je za potrebe istraživanja, sa reliabilnošću α=0,89 na prvom merenju i α=0,95 na drugom merenju. Postupkom faktorske analize na prvom merenju identifikovano je pet faktora koji determinišu aktivnost učenika u nastavi: nezainteresovanost za nastavu, izbegavanje aktivnosti u nastavi, odgovornost prema obavezama, optimalno prihvatanje obaveza i pasivna pozicija u nastavi (51,1% zasićenost varijanse) i na drugom merenju dva faktora: pasivan odnos prema obavezama u nastavi i zainteresovanost za nastavu (53,65% zasićenost varijanse). Stavovi učenika o tome koliko su aktivni u nastavi na prvom i na drugom merenju u odnosu na pol ne razlikuju se statistički značajno, dok se u odnosu na školski uspeh učenika na oba merenja statistički značajno razlikuju na nivou 0,01. Na drugom merenju identifikovani su pozitivniji stavovi o aktivnosti učenika u nastavi u odnosu na prvo merenje. Pedagoški smisao istraživanja aktivnosti učenika u nastavi na početku i na kraju školske godine nije isti. Rezultati istraživanja su implikativni za koncipiranje različitih metodoloških pristupa istraživanju aktivnosti učenika u nastavi.sr
dc.description.abstractStudent activity in teaching is defined as action, critical thinking, and showing initiative for independent solving of tasks and other problem situations in teaching. The activity of students in teaching is determined by numerous factors. Research papers show that the most common factors are motivation for studying, ability to learn, position of students in teaching and innovative teaching. In these researches, there are no noticeable implications for methodology of pedagogical research, especially in terms of when and how to research the activity of students in teaching. The aim of this paper is to compare research findings (factors that determine student activity in teaching, differences between students’ attitudes regarding teaching activity in relation to gender and student achievement) with two measurements, at the beginning and at the end of the school year, and to point out certain implications and observed methodological dilemmas. The research sample consists of 104 fifth grade students, who at the beginning and at the end of the school year 2018/2019 filled in the Scale of Student Activities in Teaching - SAUN. The Likert-type scale with 40 statements was constructed for research purposes, with reliability of α=0.89 at the first measurement and α=0.95 at the second measurement. The factor analysis procedure at the first measurement identified five factors: lack of interest in teaching, avoidance of teaching activities, responsibility for obligations, optimal acceptance of obligations and passive position in teaching (51.1% saturation of variance), and at the second measurement two factors: passive attitude towards teaching obligations and interest in teaching (53.65% saturation of variance) that determine the activity of students in teaching. Students’ attitudes regarding teaching activity at the first and second measurements in relation to gender do not differ statistically significantly, while in relation to the school success of students at both measurements they differ statistically significantly at the level of 0.01. The second measurement identified more positive attitudes regarding student activity in teaching compared to the first measurement. Pedagogical meaning of researching student activity in teaching at the beginning and at the end of the school year is not the same. The research results are implicit for designing different methodological approaches to the research of student activity in teaching.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectaktivnost učenika u nastavisr
dc.subjectzainteresovanost učenika u nastavisr
dc.subjectmetodološke dilemesr
dc.subjectstudent activity in teachingsr
dc.subjectinterest in teachingsr
dc.subjectmethodological dilemmassr
dc.titleIstraživanje aktivnosti učenika u nastavi – metodološke dilemesr
dc.titleResearch of student activity in teaching - methodological dilemmasr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"sr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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