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The students’ responsibility and the procrastination during studies

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorI. Kudinov, Sergey
dc.creatorKudinov, Stanislav
dc.creatorKudinov, Vladislav
dc.description.abstractU ovom istraživanju razmatra se značaj odgovornosti studenata za uspešnost tokom studija. Odgovornost se analizira sa aspekta sistemske paradigme u kontekstu dispozicionog koncepta obeležja ličnosti i individualnosti koji je osmislio A. I. Krupnov. Istraživanja pokazuju da su studenti kod kojih su primetni različiti pokazatelji uspešnosti na studijama ispoljili na različitim nivoima odgovornost i prokrastinaciju. Prilikom istraživanja odgovornosti izvršena je stručna procena i urađen je test rasuđivanja o odgovornosti koji je kreirao A. I. Krupnov. Nastavnici su bili u ulozi procenjivača. Na osnovu popunjenih upitnika odvojeno su ocenjivali (ocenama od 1 do 5) ispoljavanje odgovornosti i prokrastinacije u različitim situacijama koje su vezane za obrazovne, istraživačke i vannastavne aktivnosti. Test rasuđivanja o odgovornosti je standardizovana metoda koja zadovoljava zahteve pouzdanosti i validnosti. Da bi se utvrdio indeks uspešnosti tokom studiranja ispitanika, korišćena je stručna procena, analiza sadržaja i analiza proizvoda aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da postoji korelacija između nivoa formiranja odgovornosti i kvaliteta aktivnosti. Ustanovljeno je da što je veći nivo ispoljavanja odgovornosti, to je veći uspeh koji je zabeležen u obrazovnim aktivnostima studenata, kao i veća efikasnost pri obavljanju kreativnih zadataka, obrazovne, pedagoške i stručne prakse, istraživačkih i vannastavnih aktivnosti. Nasuprot tome, utvrđeno je da su ispitanici koji su imali nizak nivo odgovornosti ispoljavali prokrastinaciju. Ovi studenti, čak uz izraženu motivaciju za učenje, gotovo uvek odlažu sve svoje obaveze na neodređeno vreme, nastojeći da odgode njihovo izvršenje. Kao razlog za takvo ponašanje oni navode faktore vremena i resursa. Prema njihovoj proceni, imaju dovoljno vremena da završe zadatke i veruju da će ispoštovati date rokove. Međutim, praksa pokazuje drugačije. Ovi studenti ne stižu da završe zadatke na vreme, a nakon toga svoje ponašanje pokušavaju da opravdaju ogromnom količinom posla, problemima sa zdravljem, nedostatkom spoljnih resursa i tako dalje. Dakle, aktivira se mehanizam odbrane, čiji je cilj da se otkloni osećaj krivice i prenošenje lokusa kontrole u samoregulaciji sa internog na eksterni. Kada je u pitanju resursni faktor, prilikom dobijanja zadatka oni su sigurni u svoje snage i mogućnosti da će se izboriti sa velikim obimom zadataka u kratkom roku. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali negativnu korelaciju između odgovornosti i prokrastinacije kod studenata. Ustanovljeno je da postoji direktna povezanost između uspešnosti tokom studiranja i odgovornosti i obrnuto. Povezanost između prokrastinacije i uspešnosti je negativnasr
dc.description.abstractThis paper looks at importance of student responsibility for the success during studies. The responsibility is analysed from the system paradigm aspect in the context of dispositional concept of personality and individuality traits designed by A. I. Krupnov. The researches demonstrate that the students who displayed various indicators of success at studies, manifested responsibility and procrastination at different levels. During the research of responsibility, the expert evaluation of responsibility and responsibility reasoning test created by A. I. Krupnov were performed. The teachers acted as evaluators. Based on completed questionnaires they graded (with the grades from 1 to 5) demonstration of responsibility and procrastination separately, in different situations related to educational, research and extracurricular activities. The responsibility reasoning test is a standardized method that meets the reliability and validity requirements. To determine the success index during the respondents’ studies, the expert evaluation, content analysis and activity product analysis were used. The research results showed that there is a correlation between the level of formation of responsibility and quality of activity. It is concluded that the higher the level of expression of responsibility, the higher the demonstrated success in educational activities of students, as well as the efficiency in performing creative tasks, educational, teaching and professional practice, research and extracurricular activities. Contrary to that, it is established that the respondents who have a low level of responsibility, demonstrate procrastination. These students, even with the evident motivation for learning, almost always postpone their obligations for an indefinite period of time, trying to defer their execution. As the reason for such behaviour, they cite the time and resource factors. According to their estimation, they have sufficient time to perform tasks and believe in their ability to meet given deadlines. The reality is, however, different. These students do not manage to complete tasks on time and after that they try to justify their behaviour with a huge amount of work, health problems, lack of outside resources, etc. So, the defence mechanism is activated and its aim is to remove guilt and transfer the locus of control in self-regulation from internal to external. Regarding the resource factor, when they receive a task, they are confident in their strengths and ability to tackle a large amount of tasks in a short period of time. The research results show negative correlation between responsibility and procrastination at students. It is established that there is a direct relation between the success during studies and responsibility, and vice versa. The relation between procrastination and success is negative.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.titleOdgovornost studenata i odlaganje obaveza tokom studiranjasr
dc.titleThe students’ responsibility and the procrastination during studiessr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"sr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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