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Psychological endurance and academic motivation of students during COVID-19 pandemic

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorB. Mikhailova, Olga
dc.description.abstractTrenutna situacija u svetu i suviše brzo širenje virusa COVID-19 doveli su do toga da u Rusiji bude uveden režim samoizolacije. Zbog uvedenih mera, kao i iz bezbednosnih razloga, sve obrazovne institucije su pribegle učenju na daljinu, koje predstavlja distancionu interakciju studenata sa nastavnicima, uz primenu različitih internet tehnologija, što predstavlja predmet istraživanja u ovom radu. Smatra se da samoodržavanje usmerava ponašanje ličnosti ka opstanku i izdržljivosti i time se omogućava prevazilaženje nepovoljnih uslova prilikom promene ustaljenih aktivnosti i okruženja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se analizira uticaj uslova samoizolacije na psihološku izdržljivost i akademsku motivaciju studenata. Uzorak istraživanja čine 84 studenta, starostiod 18 godina do 22 godine, sa različitih moskovskih fakulteta. U istraživanju su primenjene sledeće metode: 1. metodologija za proučavanje motivacije tokom studiranja (T. I. Iljina); 2. Skala akademske motivacije – upitnik koji su razvili T. O. Gordejeva, O. A. Sičev i E. N. Osin; 3. test izdržljivosti (Hardiness Survey– Salvatore R. Maddi, u adaptaciji D. A. Leontjeva, E. I. Raskazova). U radu se ističe da su kao rezultat korelacijske analize utvrđeni odnosi između konstrukta izdržljivosti i akademske motivacije studenata. Pored toga, otkriveni su važni odnosi između pokazatelja, kao što sukognitivna motivacija, motivacija postignuća, motivacija za samorazvoj i svih komponenata psihološkog imuniteta. Nalazi istraživanja pokazuju da je utvrđena povezanost između komponenata izdržljivosti i skale introjekcijske motivacije, eksternalne motivacije i amotivacije. Tokom perioda samoizolacije kod studenata je zabeležen prosečan i visok nivo izdržljivosti, ali su uočeni i pozitivni pokazatelji akademske motivacije. Na osnovu toga može se pretpostaviti da ispitanici pokazuju ličnosnu izdržljivost tokom pandemije COVID-19, kada postoji veliki broj frustrirujućih faktora koji utiču na psihološko stanje ljudi. Međutim, ovaj period je trajao četiri meseca i moguće je da ćemo u budućnosti posmatrati i druge karakteristike manifestacija motivacije kod studenata. Još uvek postoji veliki broj problema u organizaciji procesa studiranja na univerzitetima pomoću digitalnih tehnologija. Da bi se akademska motivacija studenata održala na visokom nivou tokom učenja na daljinu, potrebno je da budu kreirane nove obrazovne tehnologije, uz primenu digitalnih medija i internet komunikacije u obrazovnom
dc.description.abstractWith regard to the current situation in the world and exceptionally rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, a self-isolation regime was introduced in Russia. Due to introduced measures as well as for security reasons, all educational institutions introduced remote learning, which represents distantial interaction of students with teachers through application of different internet technologies, and which is the subject of research in this paper. It is believed that self-preservation directs a person’s behaviour towards survival and endurance thus enabling them to overcome unfavourable conditions when the regular activities and environment are changed. The objective of this research is to analyse influence of self-isolation conditions on psychological enduranceand academic motivation of students. The research sample consists of 84 students aged 18 to 22, from different Moscow universities. The following methods were applied in research: 1. Methodology for studying motivation of university students (T. I. Iljin); 2. Academic motivation scale – questionnaire developed by T. O. Gordejev, O. A. Sicev and E. N. Osin; 3. Endurance test (Hardiness Survey – Salvatore R. Maddi, in adaptation of D. A. Leontjev, E. I. Raskazov). The paper underlines that correlation analysis established relations between endurance construct and academic motivation of students. Besides, the important relations between indicators like cognitive motivation, achievement motivation and motivation for self-development, and all components of psychological immunity have been discovered. The research results show that connection between endurance components and the scale of introjected motivation, external motivation and amotivation has been established. During the self-isolation period, the average and high level of endurance was observed at students, while the positive effects of academic motivation were also perceived. On this grounds it can be assumed that the subjects demonstrate personal endurance during COVID-19 pandemic when there is a great number of frustrating factors that influence mental state of people. However, this period lasted for four months and it is possible that in future we will also observe other features of motivation manifestation at students. There is still a great number of issues in organization of studying process via digital technologies at universities. To maintain a high level of academic motivation of students during remote studying, it is necessary to create new educational technologies with application of digital media and internet communication in educational
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectakademska motivacijasr
dc.subjectacademic motivationsr
dc.titlePsihološka izdržljivost i akademska motivacija studenata tokom pandemije COVID-19sr
dc.titlePsychological endurance and academic motivation of students during COVID-19 pandemicsr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"sr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"

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