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Relationship between motivation, learning strategies and students’ academic achievement

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorSrbinovski, Mile
dc.creatorMilenkova, Liljana
dc.description.abstractRazvoj teorija motivacije je relativno nova pojava jer potiče iz dvadesetog veka. Motivacija za učenje istraživana je u okviru različitih teorija motivacije.U ovom istraživanju motivacija za učenjeje definisana kao želja za učenjem koja kod studenta postoji kada započinje studije medicine. Strategije učenja određuju pristup postizanju ciljeva učenja. Neke od tehnika upravljanja vremenom, čitanja, pravljenja beležaka i pisanja zadataka predstavljaju teorijski pristup strategijama učenja u ovom istraživanju. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita odnos motivacije, strategije učenja i akademskog postignuća kod studenata medicine. Instrument tipa da-nedizajniran je za prikupljanje podataka. Intenzitet motivacije određen je subjektivnom procenom studenata na dva nivoa. Broj stavki za potkategoriju koja se odnosi na strategije učenja je 17 (Cronbachova alfa: 0,60). Ocena o intenzitetu motivacije i strategijama učenja izračunata je na osnovu ukupnih bodova za svaku stavku. Akademski uspeh izračunat je u vidu proseka ocena. Studija je sprovedena na uzorku od 224 studenta (169 devojaka, 55 mladića) sa Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta Sv. Kiril i Metodije u Skoplju, Republika Severna Makedonija. Ispitanici su na pitanja odgovarali elektronskim putem (u februaru 2020. godine). Istraživanje je bilo anonimno i dobrovoljno. Oko 60% studenata motivisano je za studije medicinskih nauka. Gotovo svi ispitanici primenjuju strategije učenja na srednjem nivou (69,64%). Otkrili smo umerenu povezanost motivacije i akademskog postignuća učenika (r = ,35), strategije učenja i akademskog postignuća učenika (r = ,33), motivacije i strategija učenja učenika (r = ,32). Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na to da je potrebno uvesti procedure u nastavnu praksu na studijama medicine, kako bi se razvio veći stepen motivacije za učenje kod studenata i efikasnije strategije učenja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe development of theories of motivation is a fairly recent phenomenon dating back only to the twentieth century. Motivation to learn has been explored within different theories of motivation. In this research motivation to learn is defined as “desire to learn which a student takes with themselves to the studies of medicine”. Learning strategies determine the approach for achieving learning objectives. Some of the techniques for managing time, reading, making notes, and writing assignments are theoretical approach to learning strategies in this research. The objective of this study was to examine relationship between motivation, learning strategy and academic achievement among medical students. A “yes-no” type instrument was designed for data collection. The intensity of motivation is determined by a subjective assessment of students at two levels. The number of items for subscale for learning strategies is 17 (Cronbach’s alpha, 0.60). The score on motivation intensity and learning strategies is calculated by total points for each item. Academic performance was calculated in the form of grade point average. The study was conducted on a sample of 224 students (169 females, 55 male) from the Faculty of Medicine at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. Respondents answered the questions electronically in February, 2020. The survey was anonymous and voluntary. About 60% of students are motivated to study medical sciences. Almost all respondents practice effective learning at the middle-level (69.64%). We found moderate correlation between motivation and students’ academic achievement (r=.35), learning strategies and academic achievement (r=.33), and motivation and learning strategies (r=.32). The results of this research indicate the need for introducing procedures in teaching practice of medical studies in order to develop a greater degree of students’ motivation to learn and more effective learning strategies.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectmotivacija za učenjesr
dc.subjectstrategije učenjasr
dc.subjectakademski učinaksr
dc.subjectstudenti medicinesr
dc.subjectmotivation to learnsr
dc.subjectlearning strategiessr
dc.subjectacademic performancesr
dc.subjectmedical studentssr
dc.titlePovezanost motivacije, strategija učenja i akademskog postignuća studenatasr
dc.titleRelationship between motivation, learning strategies and students’ academic achievementsr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"sr
dc.description.otherBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"



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