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Importance of cooperative teaching for forming positive attitude towards reading

dc.contributorLalić-Vučetić, Nataša
dc.contributorGundogan, Dragana
dc.contributorRadanović, Ana
dc.creatorMedar, Jelena
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja pokazuju da kooperativna nastava doprinosi sticanju znanja, razvoju metakognitivnih i kognitivnih sposobnosti učenika; jačanju njihovog samopouzdanja i samopoštovanja; pozitivnim stavovima prema različitim nastavnim aktivnostima, kao i podsticanju motivacije za učenje. Polazeći od ovih nalaza, cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da ispitamo da li kooperativna nastava doprinosi formiranju pozitivnog stava prema čitanju. Za potrebe istraživanja koristili smo rezultate međunarodnog istraživanja razvoja čitalačke pismenosti učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne škole PIRLS, pri čemu je uzorak obuhvatio tri zemlje u kojima su učenici ostvarili najviše postignuće na testu (Rusija, Irska, Finska). Zastupljenost kooperativne nastave merili smo na osnovu odgovora nastavnika na 4 pitanja o tome koliko često tokom nastave čitanja: organizuju učenike da rade u grupi učenika istih sposobnosti; organizuju učenike da rade u grupi učenika različitih sposobnosti; podstiču učenike da diskutuju o tekstu; traže od učenika da međusobno razgovaraju o pročitanom. Ustanovljeno je da se odgovori nastavnika na ova pitanja grupišu oko jednog faktora koji je nazvan kooperativna nastava. Odnos prema čitanju meren je kao latentna varijabla koja je dobijena na osnovu odgovora učenika na 10 pitanja kojima je ispitivan njihov odnos prema nastavi čitanja i čitanju u slobodno vreme. Pozitivan stav prema čitanju posmatrali smo kao značajan elemenat za negovanje unutrašnje motivacije za učenje. Rezultati pokazuju da učenici koji spadaju u 10% onih koji najčešće pohađaju kooperativnu nastavu u poređenju sa grupom od 10% učenika koji najređe pohađaju kooperativni oblik nastave imaju značajno viši skor na skali kojom se meri pozitivan stav prema čitanju. Zaključujemo da su situacije u kojima učenici uče na kooperativan način pogodne za formiranje pozitivnog stava prema čitanju, pa posledično i za podsticanje unutrašnje motivacije za učenje. U školama u našoj zemlji, u kojima još uvek preovladava frontalni oblik rada, nastavnici bi trebalo da nastoje da obezbede situacije kooperativnog učenja, kako bi kod učenika podsticali formiranje pozitivnih stavova ne samo prema čitanju, nego i prema učenju i školskom okruženju uopš
dc.description.abstractResearch shows that cooperative teaching contributes to acquisition of knowledge, development of metacognitive and cognitive skills of pupils; strengthening their self-confidence and self-esteem; positive attitudes towards different teaching activities, as well as encouraging motivation to learn. Starting from these findings, the aim of our research was to examine whether cooperative teaching contributes to forming a positive attitude towards reading. For the purposes of the research, we used results of an international research on development of reading literacy of fourth grade primary school pupils PIRLS, where the sample included three countries in which pupils achieved the highest attainment on the test (Russia, Ireland, Finland). We measured the representation of cooperative teaching based on the teachers’ answers to 4 questions about how often during reading lessons they: organize pupils to work in a group of pupils with the same abilities; organize pupils to work in a group of pupils with different abilities; encourage pupils to discuss the text; ask pupils to talk to each other about what they have read. It was established that teachers’ answers are grouped around one factor called cooperative learning. The attitude towards reading was measured as a latent variable which was obtained on the basis of pupils’ answers to 10 questions which examined their attitude towards classroom reading and reading in free time. We viewed a positive attitude towards reading as an important element in nurturing intrinsic motivation to learn. The attitude towards reading was measured as a latent variable which was obtained on the basis of pupils’ answers to 10 questions which examined their attitude towards classroom reading and reading in free time. We viewed a positive attitude towards reading as an important element in nurturing intrinsic motivation to learn. The results show that pupils who belong to 10% of those who often attend cooperative classes compared to the group of 10% of students who rarely attend cooperative classes, have a significantly higher score on the scale that measures positive attitude towards reading. We conclude that situations in which pupils learn in a cooperative way are suitable for forming positive attitude towards reading, and consequently, for encouraging intrinsic motivation to learn. In schools in our country where the frontal form of work still prevails, teachers should strive to provide situations of cooperative learning in order to encourage students to form positive attitudes, not only towards reading, but also towards learning and school environment in
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za pedagoška istraživanjasr
dc.sourceMotivacija u obrazovanju između teorije i praksesr
dc.subjectkooperativna nastavasr
dc.subjectunutrašnja motivacijasr
dc.subjectodnos učenika prema čitanjusr
dc.subjectcooperative teachingsr
dc.subjectintrinsic motivationsr
dc.subjectpupils’ attitude towards readingsr
dc.titleZnačaj kooperativne nastave za formiranje pozitivnog stava prema čitanjusr
dc.titleImportance of cooperative teaching for forming positive attitude towards readingsr
dc.description.otherKnjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksasr

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