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Normativno-stilistički aspekti kulture izražavanja srednjoškolaca

dc.contributor.advisorČutura, Ilijana
dc.contributor.otherKovačević, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherTanasić, Sreto
dc.contributor.otherBabić, Milanka
dc.creatorStevanović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThe base of the culture of expression (speech and writing culture) is a literary and linguistic norm. It means respecting all language rules. The culture of written expression emphasizes functional approach to the issues of regularity and normativity. Theoretical base of the culture of written expression consists of functional grammar, functional stylistics and orthographic rules. The subject of this study included normative and stylistic characteristics of the culture of written expression of secondary school students who attend third and fourth grade of vocational schools and academically-oriented high schools in Serbia. Also we presented and analysed Serbian language and literature syllabuses for third and fourth grade in secondary schools, especially those parts concerning the teaching of the culture of written expression and stylistics and orthography (the number of classes provided for the teaching, the selection of teaching units, and the number of classes per academic year in secondary schools). We analysed the distribution of the culture of written expression and its two areas within the teaching process - stylistics and orthography - in the compulsory textbooks and handbooks for the above mentioned age. In addition, the paper examined the relationship between standard Serbian language and nonstandard language idioms in the written expression of Serbian secondary school students because the base of the culture of expression is the standard language in which the instruction is performed at all levels of education in Serbia. The primary goal of this work was to determine the quality of written expression of the students attending two final years of secondary schools and to draw attention to the students’ failures in the application of knowledge of stylistics and orthography in the written expression. One of the goals of this work was to show the weaknesses in the syllabuses as well as in textbooks and handbooks for the students of this age. Additionally, our goal was to estimate to what extent the standard of language and nonstandard idioms pervaded in the written expression of Serbian secondary school students.en
dc.description.abstractOsnovu kulture izražavanja (kulture govora i pisanja) čini književnojezička norma. To znači poštovanje svih jezičkih pravila. Kultura pismenog izražavanja u prvi plan stavlja funkcionalni prilaz pitanjima pravilnosti i normativnosti. Teorijsku bazu kulture pismenog izražavanja čine funkcionalna gramatika, funkcionalna stilistika i ortografska pravila. Predmet ovog rada obuhvata normativne i stilističke karakteristike kulture pismenog izražavanja srednjoškolaca koji pohađaju III i IV razred srednjih stručnih škola i gimnazija u Srbiji. Takođe su navedeni i analizirani nastavni planovi i programi za srpski jezik i književnost za III i IV razred u srednjim školama i to oni njihovi delovi koji se tiču nastave kulture pismenog izražavanja, odnosno nastave stilistike i pravopisa (broj časova predviđenih za njihovu obradu, izbor nastavnih jedinica, broj časova u toku školske godine u srednjim školama). Analizirana je zastupljenost kulture pismenog izražavanja i njenih dvaju područja u okviru nastavnog procesa – stilistika i pravopis – u obaveznim udžbenicima i u priručnicima za pomenuti uzrast. Dodatno, u radu se razmatra odnos standardnog srpskog jezika i nestandardnih jezičkih idioma u pismenom izražavanju srednjoškolaca, jer osnovu kulture izražavanja čini standardni jezik na kome se u Srbiji odvija nastava na svim nivoima obrazovanja. Osnovni cilj rada jeste da se utvrdi kvalitet pismenog izražavanja učenika koji pohađaju završne razrede srednje škole i da se ukaže na propuste srednjoškolaca u primeni znanja iz stilistike i pravopisa u pismenom izražavanju. Jedan od ciljeva rada jeste da se pokažu slabosti u nastavnim planovima i programima, kao i u udžbenicima i priručnicima za ovaj uzrast učenika. Takođe, bio nam je cilj da sagledamo u kojoj meri se u pismenom izražavanju srednjoškolaca prožimaju jezički standard i nestandardni idiomi.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Kragujevcu, Filološko-umetnički fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//
dc.subjectkultura izražavanjasr
dc.subjectstandardni srpski jeziksr
dc.titleNormative-stylistic aspects of culture of expression in secondary school studentsen
dc.titleNormativno-stilistički aspekti kulture izražavanja srednjoškolacasr



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