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Pedagogičeskie aspekty professii učitelja i neuspevaemost' učaščihsja

dc.creatorMalinić, Dušica
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the analysis of the most important aspects of the teacher's pedagogic expertise. The first part deals with theoretical considerations and research findings on pedagogic beliefs of teachers, with a stress upon those related to the nature and causes of scholastic failure. Outstanding are two types of teachers' beliefs about failure in school: traditional and modern, and the forms in which these convictions are manifested in educational practice. Stereotypical teachers' pedagogic beliefs on pupils' failure, as well as the effects of these beliefs on the learning process and educational outcomes of failing students are considered. The second part of the paper deals with the teacher's pedagogic knowledge and skills which are thought to be a key factor of high quality teaching. The content of the teacher's expertise is seen as an important segment of the teacher's professional identity which is, according to the estimation of the teachers themselves, the most difficult to achieve. The insufficient pedagogical training of the future teachers in their initial education is especially stressed. The end of the paper stresses the importance of the teacher's pedagogic expertise as a strategic means of the educational system in the battle against alienation of the failing students from school and prevention of premature school abandonment. Related to this the need for a better pedagogic preparation of future teachers is especially stressed.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se razmatraju najznačajniji aspekti pedagoške ekspertize nastavnika. U prvom delu analiziraju se teorijska shvatanja i istraživački nalazi o pedagoškim uverenjima nastavnika, sa posebnim osvrtom na ona koja se tiču prirode i uzroka školskog neuspeha. Ukazuje se na dva tipa pedagoških uverenja nastavnika o školskom neuspehu: tradicionalni i moderni, kao i na oblike putem kojih se ova uverenja ispoljavaju u nastavnoj praksi. Posebno se razmatraju stereotipna pedagoška uverenja nastavnika o neuspehu, kao i efekti ovih uverenja na proces učenja i obrazovna postignuća neuspešnih učenika. U drugom delu rada u fokusu razmatranja su pedagoška znanja i veštine nastavnika za koje se smatra da predstavljaju ključni faktor kvalitetne nastave. Ukazuje se na sadržaj pedagoške ekspertize nastavnika, kao značajnog segmenta njegovog profesionalnog identiteta koji je, prema procenama samih nastavnika, najteže dostići. Posebno se ističe nedovoljna pedagoška pripremljenost budućih nastavnika u njihovom inicijalnom obrazovanju. Na kraju rada naglašava se značaj pedagoške ekspertize nastavnika kao strateškog sredstva obrazovnog sistema u borbi protiv otuđivanja neuspešnih učenika od škole, kao i u prevenciji preranog napuštanja školovanja. Zbog toga se ističe potreba bolje pedagoške pripreme nastavnika tokom inicijalnog
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectpedagogic beliefsen
dc.subjectpedagogic knowledge and skillsen
dc.subjectfailing studenten
dc.subjectpedagoška uverenjasr
dc.subjectpedagoška znanja i veštinesr
dc.subjectneuspešan učeniksr
dc.titlePedagogic aspects of the teacher's profession and the failure of studentsen
dc.titlePedagogičeskie aspekty professii učitelja i neuspevaemost' učaščihsjaru
dc.titlePedagoški aspekti nastavničke profesije i neuspeh učenikasr
dc.citation.other63(4): 687-701

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