Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Ispoljavanje i podsticanje kreativnosti u osnovnoj školi iz perspektive nastavnika

dc.creatorBodroža, Bojana
dc.creatorMaksić, Slavica
dc.creatorPavlović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThe modern society holds creativity in high esteem while criticizing education for not investing sufficient efforts in accomplishing this valuable goal. Teachers' opinions about the manifestation and development of creativity can significantly affect the extent to which they recognize the importance of creativity and are prepared to encourage it in their work. This paper reports the results of research into teachers' opinions on the forms of manifestation of creativity at the primary school level and the ways in which the school can contribute to the development of students' creativity. Primary school teachers from Serbia (N=144) filled out a questionnaire, and the obtained data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings indicate that teachers described creativity through creative activities, originality, intellectual abilities, motivation and personality traits. The majority of teachers were of the opinion that the school can largely contribute to the development of students' creativity. According to teachers, creativity can primarily be nurtured at the level of class, and then at the level of the education system and the society as a whole. It has been concluded that teachers most often perceive students' creativity through their activities and personality traits, while seeing the school's role in the development of creativity in the domain of their own activities in the classroom. Research results indicate that teachers' concepts of creativity largely overlap with the expert ones. The concluding part discusses the reasons why teachers' positive and activist attitudes towards creativity are not transferred into school practice, as well as the prerequisites that have to be fulfilled for this to be accomplished.en
dc.description.abstractSavremeno društvo visoko vrednuje kreativnost, a obrazovanju se prigovara da ne radi dovoljno na ostvarivanju ovog vrednog cilja. Mišljenja nastavnika o ispoljavanju i razvoju kreativnosti imaju značajan uticaj na to u kojoj meri će oni prepoznati značaj kreativnosti i biti spremni da je podrže u svom radu. U članku se prikazuju rezultati ispitivanja mišljenja nastavnika o tome kako se kreativnost ispoljava na osnovnoškolskom uzrastu i kako škola može doprineti razvoju kreativnosti učenika. Nastavnici osnovnih škola iz Srbije (N=144) ispitani su upitnikom, a podaci su analizirani kvalitativno i kvantitativno. Utvrđeno je da nastavnici opisuju kreativnost preko kreativnih aktivnosti, originalnosti, intelektualnih sposobnosti, motivacije i osobina ličnosti. Većina nastavnika smatra da škola može u velikoj meri da doprinese razvoju kreativnosti učenika. Prostor za podsticanje kreativnosti nastavnici vide prvenstveno na nivou časa, a potom i na nivou obrazovnog sistema i društva u celini. Zaključeno je da nastavnici najčešće opažaju kreativnost učenika preko njihovih aktivnosti i karakteristika ličnosti, dok ulogu škole u razvoju kreativnosti vide u domenu sopstvenog delovanja u učionici. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se nastavničke koncepcije kreativnosti u velikoj meri poklapaju sa ekspertskim. U završnom delu je diskutovano zašto nastavnici pozitivan i aktivistički odnos prema kreativnosti ne 'pretaču' u školsku praksu, kao i koji su preduslovi koje je potrebno ispuniti da bi se to
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179034/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectmanifestation of creativityen
dc.subjectencouragement of creativityen
dc.subjectprimary schoolen
dc.subjectispoljavanje kreativnostisr
dc.subjectpodsticanje kreativnostisr
dc.subjectosnovna školasr
dc.titleManifestation and encouragement of creativity in primary school from the teachers' perspectiveen
dc.titleIspoljavanje i podsticanje kreativnosti u osnovnoj školi iz perspektive nastavnikasr
dc.citation.other45(1): 108-130



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