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Kako ciljevi i strategije učenja utiču na akademski uspeh studenata

dc.creatorMirkov, Snežana
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents findings of the research focused on determining whether learning goals and strategies influence differences in academic success. The sample consisted of 364 students of the University of Belgrade. Five categories of learning goals (knowledge orientation, extrinsic goals, self-confirmation orientation, lack of orientation and meta-learning) and four categories of learning strategies (understanding strategies, reproduction strategies, achievement-oriented strategies and lack of strategies) were included. Data were analyzed with respect to respondent's gender and field of study. According to the obtained results, there are differences in average exam grades with respect to knowledge and self-confirmation orientation, meta-learning, understanding strategies and achievement-oriented strategies. Relations of certain categories of learning goals and strategies with the length of studying are under gender influence. Students of social sciences are more oriented towards extrinsic goals compared to students of humanities and sciences. Students of social sciences and humanities apply reproduction strategies to a greater extent compared to students of sciences. The field of study does not influence differences in academic success with respect to learning goals and strategies. There is emphasis on the need for acquiring a deeper insight into perspectives of students themselves and for further research on the possibility of development of teaching, with the aim of improvement of learning process and achievement of more quality outcomes.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani nalazi istraživanja usmerenog na ispitivanje da li ciljevi i strategije učenja utiču na razlike u uspehu na studijama. Uzorak su činila 364 studenta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Uključeno je pet kategorija ciljeva učenja (usmerenost na znanje, ekstrinzični ciljevi, usmerenost na samopotvrđivanje, odsustvo usmerenosti i metaučenje) i četiri kategorije strategija učenja (strategije razumevanja, strategije reprodukcije, strategije usmerene na postignuće i odsustvo strategije). Podaci su analizirani u odnosu na pol ispitanika i oblast studija. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, postoje razlike u proseku ocena na ispitima u odnosu na usmerenost na znanje i na samopotvrđivanje, metaučenje, strategije razumevanja i strategije usmerene na postignuće. Odnosi pojedinih kategorija ciljeva i strategija učenja sa dužinom studiranja su pod uticajem pola. Studenti društvenih nauka u većoj meri su usmereni na ekstrinzične ciljeve, u odnosu na studente humanističkih i prirodnih nauka. Studenti društvenih i humanističkih nauka u većoj meri primenjuju strategije reprodukcije, u odnosu na studente prirodnih nauka. Oblast studija ne utiče na razlike u uspehu na studijama u odnosu na ciljeve i strategije učenja. Ističe se potreba za sticanjem dubljeg uvida u perspektive samih studenata i za daljim ispitivanjima mogućnosti razvijanja nastave, u cilju usavršavanja procesa učenja i ostvarivanja kvalitetnijih ishoda.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectacademic successen
dc.subjectlearning goalsen
dc.subjectlearning strategiesen
dc.subjectfield of studyen
dc.subjectuspeh na studijamasr
dc.subjectciljevi učenjasr
dc.subjectstrategije učenjasr
dc.subjectoblast studijasr
dc.titleHow do learning goals and strategies influence students' academic successen
dc.titleKako ciljevi i strategije učenja utiču na akademski uspeh studenatasr
dc.citation.other42(2): 217-231



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