Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Saradnja među nastavnicima

dc.creatorAvramović, Zoran
dc.creatorVujačić, Milja
dc.description.abstractThis paper is on the issue of cooperation between teachers. In the first part of the paper the authors analyze characteristics of the organization of work at school and the role of teachers. In the second part of the paper, the importance of cooperation between is stressed and possible problems in cooperating. The third part of the paper is the review and analyzes of the results which were obtained in primary, vocational and high schools in Serbia. The basic aim of the research is getting the information about the teachers' opinion about either existence or non-existence of mutual cooperation about the problems they all face. Some key issues from this research are: Is there any sort of cooperation between teachers? Which problems do they discuss with their colleagues? Given results show that teachers do not pay enough attention to problems of that cooperation in which critically is reflected their own work. Only, recognizing cooperation is very affirmative. But when they are asked which issues they cooperate about, it has been shown that the most frequent cooperation is directed to those elements of teaching which they, as teachers have no influence on, and they less cooperate about professional development and modernization of their own work. In the conclusion they stress that this kind of cooperation contributes to individualism in work with teachers and lessens innovative capacities of teachers and school.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se razmatra problem saradnje među nastavnicima. U prvom delu rada autori analiziraju karakteristike organizacije rada škole i uloge nastavnika. U drugom delu rada ističe se značaj saradnje među nastavnicima i mogući problemi u saradnji. Treći deo rada čini prikaz i analiza rezultata dobijenih istraživanjem u osnovnim, srednjim stručnim školama i gimnazijama u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je sticanje uvida u mišljenja nastavnika o (ne)postojanju međusobne saradnje i problemima u čijem rešavanju sarađuju. Ključna pitanja od kojih se polazi u ovom istraživanju su: Da li postoji saradnja među nastavnicima? O kojim problemima raspravljaju sa svojim kolegama? Dobijeni podaci ukazuju na to da nastavnici ne poklanjaju dovoljnu pažnju problemima one saradnje u kojoj se kritički reflektuje sopstveni rad. Samo konstatovanje saradnje od strane nastavnika je izrazito afirmativno. Međutim, kada su navodili pitanja o kojima sarađuju, pokazalo se da je najučestalija saradnja usmerena prema onim elementima nastave na koje oni kao nastavnici ne mogu da utiču, a znatno manja na sopstveno usavršavanje i modernizaciju njihovog rada. U zaključku se tvrdi da takva saradnja doprinosi više individualizmu u radu nastavnika a smanjuje inovativne kapacitete nastavnika i š
dc.publisherForum pedagoga Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd
dc.subjectcooperative relations in schoolsen
dc.subjectkolegijalni odnosi u školisr
dc.titleCooperation between teachersen
dc.titleSaradnja među nastavnicimasr
dc.citation.other64(1): 112-123



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