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Stavovi nastavnika o značajnim pitanjima nastave

dc.creatorVujačić, Milja
dc.creatorAvramović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractTeaching, as an organized process of learning and systematic adoption of knowledge and this means interaction of a teacher and a student which should in this process connect a common aim development of students' potentials. Performing a teaching process, which have, as the aim, valuing teachers' opinion on the teaching process are precious and they can show us the ways in which teaching should be improved. This paper gives the review and analysis of results gained by research in primary and secondary schools and high schools at the territory of the republic of Serbia. The research had the aim of the fact how the main protagonists of teaching, who are the teachers perceive. Teachers have been expected to give a list of important teaching issues. Results of the interviewed teachers show that thoughts of teachers on important issues of teaching are not in accordance with the tendencies of modern teaching. Teachers stress methodological issues and they neglect socio-emotional aspects of teaching. The need for further expert improvement of teaching in the respect of application of individual approach to work, application of interactive methods in work, maintaining positive communication with students, creating positive climate in the classroom, communicates with teachers and the local community.en
dc.description.abstractNastava, kao organizovani proces učenja i sistematskog usvajanja znanja, podrazumeva interakciju nastavnika i učenika koje bi u tom procesu trebalo da povezuje zajednički cilj razvijanje učeničkih potencijala. Istraživanja nastavnog procesa koja za cilj imaju sticanje uvida u mišljenja nastavnika o nastavnom procesu jesu dragocena i mogu nam ukazati na to u kom pravcu treba dalje usavršavati nastavu. U radu je dat prikaz i analiza rezultata dobijenih istraživanjem u osnovnim i srednjim stručnim školama i gimnazijama na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Istraživanje je za cilj imalo sticanje uvida u to kako nastavu i svoje uloge u ovom procesu shvataju njeni ključni akteri nastavnici. Od nastavnika se očekivalo da izlože listu značajnih pitanja nastave. Rezultati anketiranja nastavnika ukazuju na to da mišljenja nastavnika o bitnim pitanjima nastave nisu u skladu sa tendencijama savremene nastave. Nastavnici naglašavaju uskometodička pitanja, a zanemaruju socioemocionalne aspekte nastave. Ukazuje se na potrebu daljeg stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika u pogledu: primene individualizovanog pristupa u radu, primene interaktivnih metoda u radu, uspostavljanja pozitivne komunikacije sa učenicima, kreiranja pozitivne klime u odeljenju i podsticajnijeg okruženja za učenje, saradnje sa roditeljima i lokalnom
dc.publisherForum pedagoga Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd
dc.subjectcontemporary teachingen
dc.subjectsignificant issues of teachingen
dc.subjectsavremena nastavasr
dc.subjectznačajna pitanja nastavesr
dc.titleAttitudes of teachers on some significant issues of teachingen
dc.titleStavovi nastavnika o značajnim pitanjima nastavesr
dc.citation.other63(2): 234-243

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