Now showing items 1321-1340 of 1702

      Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka [1]
      Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u kognitivnom razvoju učenika [1]
      Uloge i zadaci direktora škole u Srbiji : nekad i sad [1]
      Uloge nastavnika u inkluzivnom obrazovanju [1]
      Unapređivanje programa neformalnog obrazovanja mladih roma iz nehigijenskih naselja: uvažavanje sociokulturnih i obrazovnih specifičnosti [1]
      Unapređivanje rada u produženom boravku [1]
      Understanding of subordinate clauses in the language of dysphasic children [1]
      University classes during the state of emergency in Serbia introduced after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: Students’ attitudes [1]
      University education in Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic - students’ perspective [1]
      University students do not like less learning but more meaningful learning [1]
      University students' beliefs about learning and knowledge [1]
      University students’ beliefs about learning and knowledge and their approaches to learning [1]
      University students’ learning goals: structure and relationships with self-perceptions and use of learning strategies [1]
      University students’ motivation and learning strategies from the perspective of self-regulated learning [1]
      Upotreba pedagoških implikacija istraživačkih nalaza o implicitnim teorijama kreativnosti [1]
      Upravljanje alatima za onlajn učenje: vodič za nastavnike [1]
      Usage of collaborative and reflexive technique in ecec teachers - horizontal learning in Serbia [1]
      Using educational implications of research on implicit theories of creativity [1]
      Using focus groups to give voice to school underachievers [1]
      Using ICT and Quality of Life: Comparing Persons with and Without Disabilities [1]