Приказ резултата 331-350 од 1702

      Future teachers behavioural styles in conflict situation as a part of cultural identity [1]
      Gambling as a social-cultural phenomenon [1]
      Genealoška analitika kao kvalitativna metodologija [1]
      General causality orientations and defensive attributions of failure on academic exam [1]
      Geography in experimental classes of secondary vocational schools [1]
      Giftedness and talents: Identification, development and support [1]
      Giftedness, talent and creativity: from assessment to implicit theories [1]
      Grade repetition in primary school from teachers' perspective [1]
      Grading as factor of student motivation: theoretical principles and legal regulation [1]
      Gradovi koji uče kao prostor za interdisciplinarna istraživanja i saradnju u univerzitetskoj nastavi [1]
      Građansko vaspitanje u Srbiji - perspektive nastavnika i učenika srednjih škola [1]
      Greek university graduate views on the psycho-pedagogical and didactic training skills of their teachers [1]
      Greške učenika u rešavanju TIMSS 2019 zadataka – oblast biologija [1]
      Grifted children education in Great Britain [1]
      Group form of work in inclusive teaching practice [1]
      Growing Infantilism in Modern Adolescents and Young People: Symptoms and Causes [1]
      Grupni oblik nastavnog rada u uslovima pandemije COVID-19 [1]
      Grupni oblik rada u inkluzivnoj nastavnoj praksi [1]
      Habits and learning techniques at the end of elementary school [1]
      Higher education and social development : functionalist and institutionalist paradigm [1]